Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data MuxMode where
- data ProtocolTemperature
- = Established
- | Warm
- | Hot
- data SingProtocolTemperature (pt :: ProtocolTemperature) where
- data SomeTokProtocolTemperature where
- SomeTokProtocolTemperature :: forall (pt :: ProtocolTemperature). SingProtocolTemperature pt -> SomeTokProtocolTemperature
- data WithProtocolTemperature (pt :: ProtocolTemperature) a where
- WithHot :: forall a. !a -> WithProtocolTemperature 'Hot a
- WithWarm :: forall a. !a -> WithProtocolTemperature 'Warm a
- WithEstablished :: forall a. !a -> WithProtocolTemperature 'Established a
- withoutProtocolTemperature :: forall (pt :: ProtocolTemperature) a. WithProtocolTemperature pt a -> a
- data WithSomeProtocolTemperature a where
- WithSomeProtocolTemperature :: forall (pt :: ProtocolTemperature) a. WithProtocolTemperature pt a -> WithSomeProtocolTemperature a
- withoutSomeProtocolTemperature :: WithSomeProtocolTemperature a -> a
- data TemperatureBundle a = TemperatureBundle {
- withHot :: !(WithProtocolTemperature 'Hot a)
- withWarm :: !(WithProtocolTemperature 'Warm a)
- withEstablished :: !(WithProtocolTemperature 'Established a)
- projectBundle :: forall (pt :: ProtocolTemperature) a. SingProtocolTemperature pt -> TemperatureBundle a -> a
- data MiniProtocolCb ctx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a where
- MiniProtocolCb :: forall ctx (m :: Type -> Type) bytes a. (ctx -> Channel m bytes -> m (a, Maybe bytes)) -> MiniProtocolCb ctx bytes m a
- MuxPeer :: forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) failure ctx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a. (ShowProxy ps, forall (st' :: ps) tok. tok ~ StateToken st' => Show tok, Show failure) => (ctx -> (Tracer m (TraceSendRecv ps), Codec ps failure m bytes, Peer ps pr 'NonPipelined st m a)) -> MiniProtocolCb ctx bytes m a
- MuxPeerPipelined :: forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) failure ctx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a. (ShowProxy ps, forall (st' :: ps) tok. tok ~ StateToken st' => Show tok, Show failure) => (ctx -> (Tracer m (TraceSendRecv ps), Codec ps failure m bytes, PeerPipelined ps pr st m a)) -> MiniProtocolCb ctx bytes m a
- pattern MuxPeerRaw :: forall ctx bytes m a. (ctx -> Channel m bytes -> m (a, Maybe bytes)) -> MiniProtocolCb ctx bytes m a
- runMiniProtocolCb :: (MonadAsync m, MonadThrow m) => MiniProtocolCb ctx ByteString m a -> ctx -> Channel m -> m (a, Maybe ByteString)
- mkMiniProtocolCbFromPeer :: forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) failure bytes ctx (m :: Type -> Type) a. (MonadThrow m, ShowProxy ps, forall (st' :: ps) stok. stok ~ StateToken st' => Show stok, Show failure) => (ctx -> (Tracer m (TraceSendRecv ps), Codec ps failure m bytes, Peer ps pr 'NonPipelined st m a)) -> MiniProtocolCb ctx bytes m a
- mkMiniProtocolCbFromPeerPipelined :: forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) failure ctx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a. (MonadAsync m, MonadThrow m, ShowProxy ps, forall (st' :: ps) stok. stok ~ StateToken st' => Show stok, Show failure) => (ctx -> (Tracer m (TraceSendRecv ps), Codec ps failure m bytes, PeerPipelined ps pr st m a)) -> MiniProtocolCb ctx bytes m a
- mkMiniProtocolCbFromPeerSt :: forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps f (st :: ps) failure bytes ctx (m :: Type -> Type) a. (MonadAsync m, MonadMask m, ShowProxy ps, forall (st' :: ps) stok. stok ~ StateToken st' => Show stok, Show failure) => (ctx -> (Tracer m (TraceSendRecv ps f), Codec ps failure f m bytes, f st, Peer ps pr st f m a)) -> MiniProtocolCb ctx bytes m a
- data RunMiniProtocol (mode :: MuxMode) initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b where
- InitiatorProtocolOnly :: forall initiatorCtx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a responderCtx. MiniProtocolCb initiatorCtx bytes m a -> RunMiniProtocol 'InitiatorMode initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes m a Void
- ResponderProtocolOnly :: forall responderCtx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) b initiatorCtx. MiniProtocolCb responderCtx bytes m b -> RunMiniProtocol 'ResponderMode initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes m Void b
- InitiatorAndResponderProtocol :: forall initiatorCtx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a responderCtx b. MiniProtocolCb initiatorCtx bytes m a -> MiniProtocolCb responderCtx bytes m b -> RunMiniProtocol 'InitiatorResponderMode initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes m a b
- type RunMiniProtocolWithExpandedCtx (mode :: MuxMode) peerAddr bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b = RunMiniProtocol mode (ExpandedInitiatorContext peerAddr m) (ResponderContext peerAddr) bytes m a b
- type RunMiniProtocolWithMinimalCtx (mode :: MuxMode) peerAddr bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b = RunMiniProtocol mode (MinimalInitiatorContext peerAddr) (ResponderContext peerAddr) bytes m a b
- data MiniProtocol (mode :: MuxMode) initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b = MiniProtocol {
- miniProtocolNum :: !MiniProtocolNum
- miniProtocolLimits :: !MiniProtocolLimits
- miniProtocolRun :: !(RunMiniProtocol mode initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes m a b)
- type MiniProtocolWithExpandedCtx (mode :: MuxMode) peerAddr bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b = MiniProtocol mode (ExpandedInitiatorContext peerAddr m) (ResponderContext peerAddr) bytes m a b
- type MiniProtocolWithMinimalCtx (mode :: MuxMode) peerAddr bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b = MiniProtocol mode (MinimalInitiatorContext peerAddr) (ResponderContext peerAddr) bytes m a b
- newtype MiniProtocolNum = MiniProtocolNum Word16
- newtype MiniProtocolLimits = MiniProtocolLimits {}
- type OuroborosBundle (mode :: MuxMode) initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b = TemperatureBundle [MiniProtocol mode initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes m a b]
- type OuroborosBundleWithExpandedCtx (mode :: MuxMode) peerAddr bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b = OuroborosBundle mode (ExpandedInitiatorContext peerAddr m) (ResponderContext peerAddr) bytes m a b
- newtype OuroborosApplication (mode :: MuxMode) initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b = OuroborosApplication [MiniProtocol mode initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes m a b]
- type OuroborosApplicationWithMinimalCtx (mode :: MuxMode) peerAddr bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b = OuroborosApplication mode (MinimalInitiatorContext peerAddr) (ResponderContext peerAddr) bytes m a b
- toApplication :: forall (mode :: MuxMode) initiatorCtx responderCtx (m :: Type -> Type) a b. (MonadAsync m, MonadThrow m) => initiatorCtx -> responderCtx -> OuroborosApplication mode initiatorCtx responderCtx ByteString m a b -> MuxApplication mode m a b
- mkMiniProtocolBundle :: forall (mode :: MuxMode) initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b. OuroborosBundle mode initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes m a b -> MiniProtocolBundle mode
- fromOuroborosBundle :: forall (mode :: MuxMode) initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b. OuroborosBundle mode initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes m a b -> OuroborosApplication mode initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes m a b
- contramapInitiatorCtx :: forall initiatorCtx' initiatorCtx (mode :: MuxMode) responderCtx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b. (initiatorCtx' -> initiatorCtx) -> OuroborosApplication mode initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes m a b -> OuroborosApplication mode initiatorCtx' responderCtx bytes m a b
- data MuxError = MuxError {
- errorType :: !MuxErrorType
- errorMsg :: !String
- data MuxErrorType
- type family HasInitiator (mode :: MuxMode) :: Bool where ...
- type family HasResponder (mode :: MuxMode) :: Bool where ...
- type MuxPeer = MiniProtocolCb
- runMuxPeer :: MiniProtocolCb ctx bytes m a -> ctx -> Channel m bytes -> m (a, Maybe bytes)
Basic notions
data ProtocolTemperature Source #
There are three kinds of applications: warm, hot and established (ones that run in both warm and hot states).
Show ProtocolTemperature Source # | |
Defined in Ouroboros.Network.Mux showsPrec :: Int -> ProtocolTemperature -> ShowS # show :: ProtocolTemperature -> String # showList :: [ProtocolTemperature] -> ShowS # | |
Eq ProtocolTemperature Source # | |
Defined in Ouroboros.Network.Mux (==) :: ProtocolTemperature -> ProtocolTemperature -> Bool # (/=) :: ProtocolTemperature -> ProtocolTemperature -> Bool # | |
Ord ProtocolTemperature Source # | |
Defined in Ouroboros.Network.Mux compare :: ProtocolTemperature -> ProtocolTemperature -> Ordering # (<) :: ProtocolTemperature -> ProtocolTemperature -> Bool # (<=) :: ProtocolTemperature -> ProtocolTemperature -> Bool # (>) :: ProtocolTemperature -> ProtocolTemperature -> Bool # (>=) :: ProtocolTemperature -> ProtocolTemperature -> Bool # max :: ProtocolTemperature -> ProtocolTemperature -> ProtocolTemperature # min :: ProtocolTemperature -> ProtocolTemperature -> ProtocolTemperature # |
data SingProtocolTemperature (pt :: ProtocolTemperature) where Source #
Singletons for ProtocolTemperature
data SomeTokProtocolTemperature where Source #
SomeTokProtocolTemperature :: forall (pt :: ProtocolTemperature). SingProtocolTemperature pt -> SomeTokProtocolTemperature |
data WithProtocolTemperature (pt :: ProtocolTemperature) a where Source #
We keep hot, warm and established application (or their context) distinct.
It's only needed for a handy projectBundle
WithHot :: forall a. !a -> WithProtocolTemperature 'Hot a | |
WithWarm :: forall a. !a -> WithProtocolTemperature 'Warm a | |
WithEstablished :: forall a. !a -> WithProtocolTemperature 'Established a |
withoutProtocolTemperature :: forall (pt :: ProtocolTemperature) a. WithProtocolTemperature pt a -> a Source #
data WithSomeProtocolTemperature a where Source #
WithSomeProtocolTemperature :: forall (pt :: ProtocolTemperature) a. WithProtocolTemperature pt a -> WithSomeProtocolTemperature a |
Functor WithSomeProtocolTemperature Source # | |
Defined in Ouroboros.Network.Mux fmap :: (a -> b) -> WithSomeProtocolTemperature a -> WithSomeProtocolTemperature b # (<$) :: a -> WithSomeProtocolTemperature b -> WithSomeProtocolTemperature a # | |
Show a => Show (WithSomeProtocolTemperature a) Source # | |
Defined in Ouroboros.Network.Mux showsPrec :: Int -> WithSomeProtocolTemperature a -> ShowS # show :: WithSomeProtocolTemperature a -> String # showList :: [WithSomeProtocolTemperature a] -> ShowS # |
data TemperatureBundle a Source #
A bundle of HotApp
, WarmApp
and EstablishedApp
TemperatureBundle | |
projectBundle :: forall (pt :: ProtocolTemperature) a. SingProtocolTemperature pt -> TemperatureBundle a -> a Source #
Mux mini-protocol callback
data MiniProtocolCb ctx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a where Source #
A callback executed by each muxed mini-protocol.
MiniProtocolCb :: forall ctx (m :: Type -> Type) bytes a. (ctx -> Channel m bytes -> m (a, Maybe bytes)) -> MiniProtocolCb ctx bytes m a | |
MuxPeer :: forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) failure ctx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a. (ShowProxy ps, forall (st' :: ps) tok. tok ~ StateToken st' => Show tok, Show failure) => (ctx -> (Tracer m (TraceSendRecv ps), Codec ps failure m bytes, Peer ps pr 'NonPipelined st m a)) -> MiniProtocolCb ctx bytes m a | Deprecated: Use either |
MuxPeerPipelined :: forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) failure ctx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a. (ShowProxy ps, forall (st' :: ps) tok. tok ~ StateToken st' => Show tok, Show failure) => (ctx -> (Tracer m (TraceSendRecv ps), Codec ps failure m bytes, PeerPipelined ps pr st m a)) -> MiniProtocolCb ctx bytes m a | Deprecated: Use mkMiniProtocolCbFromPeer instead |
pattern MuxPeerRaw :: forall ctx bytes m a. (ctx -> Channel m bytes -> m (a, Maybe bytes)) -> MiniProtocolCb ctx bytes m a | Deprecated: Use MiniProtocolCb instead |
runMiniProtocolCb :: (MonadAsync m, MonadThrow m) => MiniProtocolCb ctx ByteString m a -> ctx -> Channel m -> m (a, Maybe ByteString) Source #
mkMiniProtocolCbFromPeer :: forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) failure bytes ctx (m :: Type -> Type) a. (MonadThrow m, ShowProxy ps, forall (st' :: ps) stok. stok ~ StateToken st' => Show stok, Show failure) => (ctx -> (Tracer m (TraceSendRecv ps), Codec ps failure m bytes, Peer ps pr 'NonPipelined st m a)) -> MiniProtocolCb ctx bytes m a Source #
mkMiniProtocolCbFromPeerPipelined :: forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) failure ctx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a. (MonadAsync m, MonadThrow m, ShowProxy ps, forall (st' :: ps) stok. stok ~ StateToken st' => Show stok, Show failure) => (ctx -> (Tracer m (TraceSendRecv ps), Codec ps failure m bytes, PeerPipelined ps pr st m a)) -> MiniProtocolCb ctx bytes m a Source #
Create a MuxPeer
from a tracer, codec and PeerPipelined
mkMiniProtocolCbFromPeerSt :: forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps f (st :: ps) failure bytes ctx (m :: Type -> Type) a. (MonadAsync m, MonadMask m, ShowProxy ps, forall (st' :: ps) stok. stok ~ StateToken st' => Show stok, Show failure) => (ctx -> (Tracer m (TraceSendRecv ps f), Codec ps failure f m bytes, f st, Peer ps pr st f m a)) -> MiniProtocolCb ctx bytes m a Source #
Mux mini-protocol callback in MuxMode
data RunMiniProtocol (mode :: MuxMode) initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b where Source #
. It also capture context (the IsBigLedgerPeer
) which
is passed to the mini-protocol when a mini-protocol is started.
InitiatorProtocolOnly :: forall initiatorCtx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a responderCtx. MiniProtocolCb initiatorCtx bytes m a -> RunMiniProtocol 'InitiatorMode initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes m a Void | |
ResponderProtocolOnly :: forall responderCtx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) b initiatorCtx. MiniProtocolCb responderCtx bytes m b -> RunMiniProtocol 'ResponderMode initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes m Void b | |
InitiatorAndResponderProtocol :: forall initiatorCtx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a responderCtx b. MiniProtocolCb initiatorCtx bytes m a -> MiniProtocolCb responderCtx bytes m b -> RunMiniProtocol 'InitiatorResponderMode initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes m a b |
type RunMiniProtocolWithExpandedCtx (mode :: MuxMode) peerAddr bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b = RunMiniProtocol mode (ExpandedInitiatorContext peerAddr m) (ResponderContext peerAddr) bytes m a b Source #
with ExpandedInitiatorContext
and ResponderContext
Used to run P2P node-to-node applications.
type RunMiniProtocolWithMinimalCtx (mode :: MuxMode) peerAddr bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b = RunMiniProtocol mode (MinimalInitiatorContext peerAddr) (ResponderContext peerAddr) bytes m a b Source #
with MinimalInitiatorContext
and ResponderContext
Use to run node-to-client application as well as in some non p2p contexts.
MiniProtocol description
data MiniProtocol (mode :: MuxMode) initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b Source #
Each mini-protocol is represented by its
- mini-protocol number,
- ingress size limit, and
- callbacks.
MiniProtocol | |
type MiniProtocolWithExpandedCtx (mode :: MuxMode) peerAddr bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b = MiniProtocol mode (ExpandedInitiatorContext peerAddr m) (ResponderContext peerAddr) bytes m a b Source #
type used in P2P.
type MiniProtocolWithMinimalCtx (mode :: MuxMode) peerAddr bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b = MiniProtocol mode (MinimalInitiatorContext peerAddr) (ResponderContext peerAddr) bytes m a b Source #
type used in non-P2P.
newtype MiniProtocolNum #
The wire format includes the protocol numbers, and it's vital that these
are stable. They are not necessarily dense however, as new ones are added
and some old ones retired. So we use a dedicated class for this rather than
reusing Enum
. This also covers unrecognised protocol numbers on the
decoding side.
newtype MiniProtocolLimits #
Per Miniprotocol limits
MiniProtocolLimits | |
MiniProtocol bundle
type OuroborosBundle (mode :: MuxMode) initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b = TemperatureBundle [MiniProtocol mode initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes m a b] Source #
type OuroborosBundleWithExpandedCtx (mode :: MuxMode) peerAddr bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b = OuroborosBundle mode (ExpandedInitiatorContext peerAddr m) (ResponderContext peerAddr) bytes m a b Source #
used in P2P.
newtype OuroborosApplication (mode :: MuxMode) initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b Source #
Like MuxApplication
but using a MuxPeer
rather than a raw
Channel -> m a
Note: Only used in some non-P2P contexts.
OuroborosApplication [MiniProtocol mode initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes m a b] |
type OuroborosApplicationWithMinimalCtx (mode :: MuxMode) peerAddr bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b = OuroborosApplication mode (MinimalInitiatorContext peerAddr) (ResponderContext peerAddr) bytes m a b Source #
used in NonP2P mode.
toApplication :: forall (mode :: MuxMode) initiatorCtx responderCtx (m :: Type -> Type) a b. (MonadAsync m, MonadThrow m) => initiatorCtx -> responderCtx -> OuroborosApplication mode initiatorCtx responderCtx ByteString m a b -> MuxApplication mode m a b Source #
Create non p2p mux application.
Note that callbacks will always receive IsNotBigLedgerPeer
mkMiniProtocolBundle :: forall (mode :: MuxMode) initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b. OuroborosBundle mode initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes m a b -> MiniProtocolBundle mode Source #
Make MiniProtocolBundle
, which is used to create a mux interface with
fromOuroborosBundle :: forall (mode :: MuxMode) initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b. OuroborosBundle mode initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes m a b -> OuroborosApplication mode initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes m a b Source #
contramapInitiatorCtx :: forall initiatorCtx' initiatorCtx (mode :: MuxMode) responderCtx bytes (m :: Type -> Type) a b. (initiatorCtx' -> initiatorCtx) -> OuroborosApplication mode initiatorCtx responderCtx bytes m a b -> OuroborosApplication mode initiatorCtx' responderCtx bytes m a b Source #
from Network.Mux
Error type used in across the mux layer.
MuxError | |
data MuxErrorType #
Enumeration of error conditions.
MuxUnknownMiniProtocol | returned by |
MuxDecodeError | return by |
MuxBearerClosed | thrown by |
MuxIngressQueueOverRun | thrown by |
MuxInitiatorOnly | thrown when data arrives on a responder channel when the
mux was set up as an |
MuxIOException IOException |
MuxSDUReadTimeout | thrown when reading of a single SDU takes too long |
MuxSDUWriteTimeout | thrown when writing a single SDU takes too long |
MuxShutdown !(Maybe MuxErrorType) | Result of runMiniProtocol's completionAction in case of an error or mux being closed while a mini-protocol was still running, this is not a clean exit. |
MuxCleanShutdown | Mux stopped by |
Show MuxErrorType | |
Defined in Network.Mux.Trace showsPrec :: Int -> MuxErrorType -> ShowS # show :: MuxErrorType -> String # showList :: [MuxErrorType] -> ShowS # | |
Eq MuxErrorType | |
Defined in Network.Mux.Trace (==) :: MuxErrorType -> MuxErrorType -> Bool # (/=) :: MuxErrorType -> MuxErrorType -> Bool # |
type family HasInitiator (mode :: MuxMode) :: Bool where ... #
type family HasResponder (mode :: MuxMode) :: Bool where ... #
Deprecated APIs
type MuxPeer = MiniProtocolCb Source #
Deprecated: Use either MiniProtocolCb
type instead of MuxPeer
type, ormkMiniProtocolCbFromPeer
instead the MuxPeer
runMuxPeer :: MiniProtocolCb ctx bytes m a -> ctx -> Channel m bytes -> m (a, Maybe bytes) Source #
Deprecated: Use runMiniProtocolCb insteadNote that with runMiniProtocolCb there's no need to use Ouroboros.Network.Channel.fromChannel