{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.LocalTxMonitor.Type where
import Data.Kind
import Data.Singletons
import Data.Word
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.DeepSeq
import Network.TypedProtocol.Core
import Ouroboros.Network.Util.ShowProxy
type LocalTxMonitor :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Type
data LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot where
StIdle :: LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot
StAcquiring :: LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot
StAcquired :: LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot
StBusy :: StBusyKind -> LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot
StDone :: LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot
( ShowProxy txid
, ShowProxy tx
, ShowProxy slot
) =>
ShowProxy (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot)
showProxy :: Proxy (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) -> String
showProxy Proxy (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot)
_ = [String] -> String
[ String
, Proxy txid -> String
forall {k} (p :: k). ShowProxy p => Proxy p -> String
showProxy (Proxy txid
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy txid)
, Proxy tx -> String
forall {k} (p :: k). ShowProxy p => Proxy p -> String
showProxy (Proxy tx
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy tx)
, Proxy slot -> String
forall {k} (p :: k). ShowProxy p => Proxy p -> String
showProxy (Proxy slot
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy slot)
type SingLocalTxMonitor :: LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot -> Type
data SingLocalTxMonitor st where
SingIdle :: SingLocalTxMonitor StIdle
SingAcquiring :: SingLocalTxMonitor StAcquiring
SingAcquired :: SingLocalTxMonitor StAcquired
SingBusy :: SingBusyKind k
-> SingLocalTxMonitor (StBusy k)
SingDone :: SingLocalTxMonitor StDone
instance StateTokenI StIdle where stateToken :: StateToken 'StIdle
stateToken = StateToken 'StIdle
SingLocalTxMonitor 'StIdle
forall {txid} {tx} {slot}. SingLocalTxMonitor 'StIdle
instance StateTokenI StAcquiring where stateToken :: StateToken 'StAcquiring
stateToken = StateToken 'StAcquiring
SingLocalTxMonitor 'StAcquiring
forall {txid} {tx} {slot}. SingLocalTxMonitor 'StAcquiring
instance StateTokenI StAcquired where stateToken :: StateToken 'StAcquired
stateToken = StateToken 'StAcquired
SingLocalTxMonitor 'StAcquired
forall {txid} {tx} {slot}. SingLocalTxMonitor 'StAcquired
instance SingI k =>
StateTokenI (StBusy k) where stateToken :: StateToken ('StBusy k)
stateToken = SingBusyKind k -> SingLocalTxMonitor ('StBusy k)
forall {txid} {tx} {slot} (k :: StBusyKind).
SingBusyKind k -> SingLocalTxMonitor ('StBusy k)
SingBusy (Sing k
forall {k} (a :: k). SingI a => Sing a
sing :: Sing k)
instance StateTokenI StDone where stateToken :: StateToken 'StDone
stateToken = StateToken 'StDone
SingLocalTxMonitor 'StDone
forall {txid} {tx} {slot}. SingLocalTxMonitor 'StDone
deriving instance Show (SingLocalTxMonitor st)
data StBusyKind where
NextTx :: StBusyKind
HasTx :: StBusyKind
GetSizes :: StBusyKind
type SingBusyKind :: StBusyKind -> Type
data SingBusyKind st where
SingNextTx :: SingBusyKind NextTx
SingHasTx :: SingBusyKind HasTx
SingGetSizes :: SingBusyKind GetSizes
type instance Sing = SingBusyKind
instance SingI NextTx where sing :: Sing 'NextTx
sing = Sing 'NextTx
SingBusyKind 'NextTx
instance SingI HasTx where sing :: Sing 'HasTx
sing = Sing 'HasTx
SingBusyKind 'HasTx
instance SingI GetSizes where sing :: Sing 'GetSizes
sing = Sing 'GetSizes
SingBusyKind 'GetSizes
deriving instance Show (SingBusyKind st)
data MempoolSizeAndCapacity = MempoolSizeAndCapacity
{ MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> Word32
capacityInBytes :: !Word32
, MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> Word32
sizeInBytes :: !Word32
, MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> Word32
numberOfTxs :: !Word32
} deriving ((forall x. MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> Rep MempoolSizeAndCapacity x)
-> (forall x.
Rep MempoolSizeAndCapacity x -> MempoolSizeAndCapacity)
-> Generic MempoolSizeAndCapacity
forall x. Rep MempoolSizeAndCapacity x -> MempoolSizeAndCapacity
forall x. MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> Rep MempoolSizeAndCapacity x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x. MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> Rep MempoolSizeAndCapacity x
from :: forall x. MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> Rep MempoolSizeAndCapacity x
$cto :: forall x. Rep MempoolSizeAndCapacity x -> MempoolSizeAndCapacity
to :: forall x. Rep MempoolSizeAndCapacity x -> MempoolSizeAndCapacity
Generic, MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> Bool
(MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> Bool)
-> (MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> Bool)
-> Eq MempoolSizeAndCapacity
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> Bool
== :: MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> Bool
$c/= :: MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> Bool
/= :: MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> Bool
Eq, Int -> MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> ShowS
[MempoolSizeAndCapacity] -> ShowS
MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> String
(Int -> MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> ShowS)
-> (MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> String)
-> ([MempoolSizeAndCapacity] -> ShowS)
-> Show MempoolSizeAndCapacity
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> ShowS
$cshow :: MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> String
show :: MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> String
$cshowList :: [MempoolSizeAndCapacity] -> ShowS
showList :: [MempoolSizeAndCapacity] -> ShowS
Show, MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> ()
(MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> ()) -> NFData MempoolSizeAndCapacity
forall a. (a -> ()) -> NFData a
$crnf :: MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> ()
rnf :: MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> ()
instance Protocol (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) where
data Message (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) from to where
:: Message (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) StIdle StAcquiring
:: slot
-> Message (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) StAcquiring StAcquired
:: Message (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) StAcquired StAcquiring
:: Message (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) StAcquired (StBusy NextTx)
:: Maybe tx
-> Message (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) (StBusy NextTx) StAcquired
:: txid
-> Message (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) StAcquired (StBusy HasTx)
:: Bool
-> Message (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) (StBusy HasTx) StAcquired
:: Message (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) StAcquired (StBusy GetSizes)
:: MempoolSizeAndCapacity
-> Message (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) (StBusy GetSizes) StAcquired
:: Message (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) StAcquired StIdle
:: Message (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) StIdle StDone
type StateAgency StIdle = ClientAgency
type StateAgency StAcquiring = ServerAgency
type StateAgency StAcquired = ClientAgency
type StateAgency (StBusy _) = ServerAgency
type StateAgency StDone = NobodyAgency
type StateToken = SingLocalTxMonitor
instance ( NFData txid
, NFData tx
, NFData slot
) => NFData (Message (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) from to) where
rnf :: Message (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) from to -> ()
rnf Message (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) from to
R:MessageLocalTxMonitorfromto txid tx slot from to
MsgAcquire = ()
rnf (MsgAcquired slot
slot) = slot -> ()
forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
rnf slot
rnf Message (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) from to
R:MessageLocalTxMonitorfromto txid tx slot from to
MsgAwaitAcquire = ()
rnf Message (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) from to
R:MessageLocalTxMonitorfromto txid tx slot from to
MsgNextTx = ()
rnf (MsgReplyNextTx Maybe tx
mbTx) = Maybe tx -> ()
forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
rnf Maybe tx
rnf (MsgHasTx txid
txid) = txid -> ()
forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
rnf txid
rnf (MsgReplyHasTx Bool
b) = Bool -> ()
forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
rnf Bool
rnf Message (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) from to
R:MessageLocalTxMonitorfromto txid tx slot from to
MsgGetSizes = ()
rnf (MsgReplyGetSizes MempoolSizeAndCapacity
msc) = MempoolSizeAndCapacity -> ()
forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
rnf MempoolSizeAndCapacity
rnf Message (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) from to
R:MessageLocalTxMonitorfromto txid tx slot from to
MsgRelease = ()
rnf Message (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) from to
R:MessageLocalTxMonitorfromto txid tx slot from to
MsgDone = ()
data TokBusyKind (k :: StBusyKind) where
TokNextTx :: TokBusyKind NextTx
TokHasTx :: TokBusyKind HasTx
TokGetSizes :: TokBusyKind GetSizes
instance NFData (TokBusyKind k) where
rnf :: TokBusyKind k -> ()
rnf TokBusyKind k
TokNextTx = ()
rnf TokBusyKind k
TokHasTx = ()
rnf TokBusyKind k
TokGetSizes = ()
deriving instance (Show txid, Show tx, Show slot)
=> Show (Message (LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) from to)