{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies        #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}

module Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.ChainSync.Test (tests) where

import Codec.Serialise qualified as S
import Control.Monad (unless, void)
import Control.Monad.ST qualified as ST
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)

import Control.Concurrent.Class.MonadSTM.Strict
import Control.Monad.Class.MonadAsync
import Control.Monad.Class.MonadFork
import Control.Monad.Class.MonadSay
import Control.Monad.Class.MonadST
import Control.Monad.Class.MonadThrow
import Control.Tracer (nullTracer)

import Control.Monad.IOSim (runSimOrThrow)

import Network.TypedProtocol.Codec
import Network.TypedProtocol.Proofs (connect, connectPipelined)

import Ouroboros.Network.Channel
import Ouroboros.Network.Driver

import Ouroboros.Network.Block (BlockNo, Serialised (..), StandardHash,
           Tip (..), decodeTip, encodeTip, pattern BlockPoint,
           pattern GenesisPoint, unwrapCBORinCBOR, wrapCBORinCBOR)
import Ouroboros.Network.Mock.Chain (Chain, Point)
import Ouroboros.Network.Mock.Chain qualified as Chain
import Ouroboros.Network.Mock.ConcreteBlock (Block, BlockHeader (..))
import Ouroboros.Network.Mock.ProducerState qualified as ChainProducerState

import Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.ChainSync.Client
import Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.ChainSync.ClientPipelined
import Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.ChainSync.Codec
import Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.ChainSync.Direct
import Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.ChainSync.DirectPipelined
import Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.ChainSync.Examples (Client)
import Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.ChainSync.Examples qualified as ChainSyncExamples
import Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.ChainSync.ExamplesPipelined qualified as ChainSyncExamples
import Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.ChainSync.Server
import Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.ChainSync.Type
import Test.Data.PipeliningDepth (PipeliningDepth (..))

import Test.ChainGenerators ()
import Test.ChainProducerState (ChainProducerStateForkTest (..))
import Test.Ouroboros.Network.Testing.Utils (prop_codec_cborM,
           prop_codec_valid_cbor_encoding, splits2, splits3)

import Test.QuickCheck hiding (Result)
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (testProperty)

tests :: TestTree
tests :: TestTree
tests = TestName -> [TestTree] -> TestTree
testGroup TestName
  [ TestName -> [TestTree] -> TestTree
testGroup TestName
    [ TestName -> (ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property) -> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"direct ST" ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property
    , TestName -> (ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property) -> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"direct IO" ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property
    , TestName -> (ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property) -> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"connect ST" ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property
    , TestName -> (ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property) -> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"connect IO" ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property
    , TestName
-> (ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Bool)
-> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"directPipelinedMax ST" ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Bool
    , TestName
-> (ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Property)
-> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"directPipelinedMax IO" ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Property
    , TestName
-> (ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Bool)
-> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"directPipelinedMin ST" ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Bool
    , TestName
-> (ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Property)
-> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"directPipelinedMin IO" ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Property
    , TestName
-> (ChainProducerStateForkTest
    -> [Bool] -> PipeliningDepth -> Bool)
-> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"connectPipelinedMax ST" ChainProducerStateForkTest -> [Bool] -> PipeliningDepth -> Bool
    , TestName
-> (ChainProducerStateForkTest
    -> [Bool] -> PipeliningDepth -> Bool)
-> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"connectPipelinedMin ST" ChainProducerStateForkTest -> [Bool] -> PipeliningDepth -> Bool
    , TestName
-> (ChainProducerStateForkTest
    -> [Bool] -> PipeliningDepth -> Property)
-> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"connectPipelinedMax IO" ChainProducerStateForkTest -> [Bool] -> PipeliningDepth -> Property
    , TestName
-> (ChainProducerStateForkTest
    -> [Bool] -> PipeliningDepth -> Property)
-> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"connectPipelinedMin IO" ChainProducerStateForkTest -> [Bool] -> PipeliningDepth -> Property
    , TestName
-> (AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader -> Bool) -> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"codec"            AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader -> Bool
    , TestName
-> (AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader -> Bool) -> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"codec 2-splits"   AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader -> Bool
    , TestName -> Property -> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"codec 3-splits"   (Property -> TestTree) -> Property -> TestTree
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int
-> (AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader -> Bool) -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => Int -> prop -> Property
withMaxSuccess Int
30 AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader -> Bool
    , TestName
-> (AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader -> Bool) -> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"codec cbor"       AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader -> Bool
    , TestName
-> (AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader -> Property)
-> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"codec valid cbor" AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader -> Property
    , TestName
-> (AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader -> Bool)
-> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"codecSerialised"            AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader -> Bool
    , TestName
-> (AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader -> Bool)
-> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"codecSerialised 2-splits"   AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader -> Bool
    , TestName -> Property -> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"codecSerialised 3-splits" (Property -> TestTree) -> Property -> TestTree
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int
-> (AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader -> Bool)
-> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => Int -> prop -> Property
withMaxSuccess Int
                                                AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader -> Bool
    , TestName
-> (AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader -> Bool)
-> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"codecSerialised cbor"       AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader -> Bool
    , TestName
-> (AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader -> Bool) -> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"codec/codecSerialised bin compat"  AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader -> Bool
    , TestName
-> (AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader -> Bool)
-> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"codecSerialised/codec bin compat"  AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader -> Bool
    , TestName -> (ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property) -> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"demo ST" ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property
    , TestName -> (ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property) -> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"demo IO" ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property
    , TestName
-> (ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Property)
-> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"demoPipelinedMax ST"     ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Property
    , TestName
-> (ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Property)
-> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"demoPipelinedMax IO"     ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Property
    , TestName
-> (ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Property)
-> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"demoPipelinedMin ST"     ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Property
    , TestName
-> (ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Property)
-> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"demoPipelinedMin IO"     ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Property
    , TestName
-> (ChainProducerStateForkTest
    -> PipeliningDepth -> PipeliningDepth -> Property)
-> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"demoPipelinedLowHigh ST" ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> PipeliningDepth -> PipeliningDepth -> Property
    , TestName
-> (ChainProducerStateForkTest
    -> PipeliningDepth -> PipeliningDepth -> Property)
-> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"demoPipelinedLowHigh IO" ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> PipeliningDepth -> PipeliningDepth -> Property
    , TestName
-> (ChainProducerStateForkTest
    -> PipeliningDepth -> PipeliningDepth -> Property)
-> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"demoPipelinedMin IO (buffered)"
-> PipeliningDepth -> PipeliningDepth -> Property
    , TestName -> (ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property) -> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"demo IO" ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property
    , TestName -> (ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property) -> TestTree
forall a. Testable a => TestName -> a -> TestTree
testProperty TestName
"pipe demo" ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property

-- | Testing @'Client'@ which stops at a given point.
  :: MonadSTM m
  => StrictTVar m Bool
  -> Point Block
  -> ChainSyncExamples.Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()
testClient :: forall (m :: * -> *) blockInfo.
MonadSTM m =>
StrictTVar m Bool
-> Point Block -> Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()
testClient StrictTVar m Bool
doneVar Point Block
tip =
  ChainSyncExamples.Client {
      rollbackward :: Point Block
-> blockInfo
-> m (Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()))
ChainSyncExamples.rollbackward = \Point Block
point blockInfo
_ ->
        if Point Block
point Point Block -> Point Block -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Point Block
          then do
            STM m () -> m ()
forall a. HasCallStack => STM m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadSTM m, HasCallStack) =>
STM m a -> m a
atomically (STM m () -> m ()) -> STM m () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ StrictTVar m Bool -> Bool -> STM m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadSTM m =>
StrictTVar m a -> a -> STM m ()
writeTVar StrictTVar m Bool
doneVar Bool
            Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())
-> m (Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()))
forall a. a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())
 -> m (Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())))
-> Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())
-> m (Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ () -> Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ()
          else Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())
-> m (Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()))
forall a. a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())
 -> m (Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())))
-> Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())
-> m (Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()
-> Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (StrictTVar m Bool
-> Point Block -> Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) blockInfo.
MonadSTM m =>
StrictTVar m Bool
-> Point Block -> Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()
testClient StrictTVar m Bool
doneVar Point Block
      rollforward :: Block -> m (Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()))
ChainSyncExamples.rollforward = \Block
block ->
        if Block -> Point Block
forall block. HasHeader block => block -> Point block
Chain.blockPoint Block
block Point Block -> Point Block -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Point Block
          then do
            STM m () -> m ()
forall a. HasCallStack => STM m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadSTM m, HasCallStack) =>
STM m a -> m a
atomically (STM m () -> m ()) -> STM m () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ StrictTVar m Bool -> Bool -> STM m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadSTM m =>
StrictTVar m a -> a -> STM m ()
writeTVar StrictTVar m Bool
doneVar Bool
            Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())
-> m (Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()))
forall a. a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())
 -> m (Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())))
-> Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())
-> m (Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ () -> Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ()
          else Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())
-> m (Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()))
forall a. a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())
 -> m (Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())))
-> Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())
-> m (Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()
-> Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (StrictTVar m Bool
-> Point Block -> Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) blockInfo.
MonadSTM m =>
StrictTVar m Bool
-> Point Block -> Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()
testClient StrictTVar m Bool
doneVar Point Block
      points :: [Point Block]
-> m (Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()))
ChainSyncExamples.points = \[Point Block]
_ -> Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())
-> m (Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()))
forall a. a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()
-> Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()
 -> Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()))
-> Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()
-> Either () (Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ())
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ StrictTVar m Bool
-> Point Block -> Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) blockInfo.
MonadSTM m =>
StrictTVar m Bool
-> Point Block -> Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()
testClient StrictTVar m Bool
doneVar Point Block

-- | An experiment in which the client has a fork of the server chain.  The
-- experiment finishes successfully if the client receives the server's chain.
  :: forall m.
     ( MonadST m
     , MonadSTM m
  => (forall a b.
         ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
      -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m b
      -> m ())
  -> ChainProducerStateForkTest
  -> m Property
chainSyncForkExperiment :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadST m, MonadSTM m) =>
(forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
 -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m b -> m ())
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest -> m Property
chainSyncForkExperiment forall a b.
ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
-> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m b -> m ()
run (ChainProducerStateForkTest ChainProducerState Block
cps Chain Block
chain) = do
  let pchain :: Chain Block
pchain = ChainProducerState Block -> Chain Block
forall block. ChainProducerState block -> Chain block
ChainProducerState.producerChain ChainProducerState Block
  cpsVar   <- STM m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
-> m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
forall a. HasCallStack => STM m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadSTM m, HasCallStack) =>
STM m a -> m a
atomically (STM m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
 -> m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block)))
-> STM m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
-> m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ChainProducerState Block
-> STM m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadSTM m => a -> STM m (StrictTVar m a)
newTVar ChainProducerState Block
  chainVar <- atomically $ newTVar chain
  doneVar  <- atomically $ newTVar False
  let server = Any
-> StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block)
-> (Block -> Block)
-> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m Any
forall blk header (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasHeader blk, MonadSTM m, HeaderHash header ~ HeaderHash blk) =>
-> StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState blk)
-> (blk -> header)
-> ChainSyncServer header (Point blk) (Tip blk) m a
        (TestName -> Any
forall a. HasCallStack => TestName -> a
error TestName
"chainSyncServerExample: lazy in the result type")
        StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block)
        Block -> Block
forall a. a -> a
      client = StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
-> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m ()
-> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m ()
forall header block tip (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasHeader header, HasHeader block,
 HeaderHash header ~ HeaderHash block, MonadSTM m) =>
StrictTVar m (Chain header)
-> Client header (Point block) tip m a
-> ChainSyncClient header (Point block) tip m a
ChainSyncExamples.chainSyncClientExample StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
chainVar (StrictTVar m Bool
-> Point Block -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) blockInfo.
MonadSTM m =>
StrictTVar m Bool
-> Point Block -> Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()
testClient StrictTVar m Bool
doneVar (Chain Block -> Point Block
forall block. HasHeader block => Chain block -> Point block
Chain.headPoint Chain Block
  _ <- run server client

  cchain <- atomically $ readTVar chainVar
  return (pchain === cchain)

propChainSyncDirectST :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property
propChainSyncDirectST :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property
propChainSyncDirectST ChainProducerStateForkTest
cps =
    (forall s. IOSim s Property) -> Property
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> a
runSimOrThrow ((forall s. IOSim s Property) -> Property)
-> (forall s. IOSim s Property) -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
 -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
 -> IOSim s ())
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest -> IOSim s Property
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadST m, MonadSTM m) =>
(forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
 -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m b -> m ())
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest -> m Property
chainSyncForkExperiment ((((ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
  -> IOSim s (a, b))
 -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
    -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
    -> IOSim s (a, b))
-> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
-> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
    -> a)
-> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
-> b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (((ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
   -> IOSim s (a, b))
  -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
  -> IOSim s ())
 -> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
     -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
     -> IOSim s (a, b))
 -> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
 -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
 -> IOSim s ())
-> ((IOSim s (a, b) -> IOSim s ())
    -> (ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
        -> IOSim s (a, b))
    -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
    -> IOSim s ())
-> (IOSim s (a, b) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
    -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
    -> IOSim s (a, b))
-> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
-> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
-> IOSim s ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (IOSim s (a, b) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
    -> IOSim s (a, b))
-> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> (ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
    -> a)
-> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
-> b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap) IOSim s (a, b) -> IOSim s ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
-> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
-> IOSim s (a, b)
forall (m :: * -> *) header point tip a b.
Monad m =>
ChainSyncServer header point tip m a
-> ChainSyncClient header point tip m b -> m (a, b)
direct) ChainProducerStateForkTest

propChainSyncDirectIO :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property
propChainSyncDirectIO :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property
propChainSyncDirectIO ChainProducerStateForkTest
cps =
    IO Property -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => IO prop -> Property
ioProperty (IO Property -> Property) -> IO Property -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
 -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b -> IO ())
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest -> IO Property
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadST m, MonadSTM m) =>
(forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
 -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m b -> m ())
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest -> m Property
chainSyncForkExperiment ((((ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
  -> IO (a, b))
 -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b -> IO ())
-> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
    -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
    -> IO (a, b))
-> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
-> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
-> IO ()
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a -> a)
-> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
-> b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (((ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
   -> IO (a, b))
  -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b -> IO ())
 -> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
     -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
     -> IO (a, b))
 -> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
 -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
 -> IO ())
-> ((IO (a, b) -> IO ())
    -> (ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
        -> IO (a, b))
    -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
    -> IO ())
-> (IO (a, b) -> IO ())
-> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
    -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
    -> IO (a, b))
-> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
-> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
-> IO ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (IO (a, b) -> IO ())
-> (ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
    -> IO (a, b))
-> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
-> IO ()
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> (ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b -> a)
-> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
-> b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap) IO (a, b) -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
-> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
-> IO (a, b)
forall (m :: * -> *) header point tip a b.
Monad m =>
ChainSyncServer header point tip m a
-> ChainSyncClient header point tip m b -> m (a, b)
direct) ChainProducerStateForkTest

propChainSyncConnectST :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property
propChainSyncConnectST :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property
propChainSyncConnectST ChainProducerStateForkTest
cps =
    (forall s. IOSim s Property) -> Property
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> a
runSimOrThrow ((forall s. IOSim s Property) -> Property)
-> (forall s. IOSim s Property) -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
 -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
 -> IOSim s ())
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest -> IOSim s Property
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadST m, MonadSTM m) =>
(forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
 -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m b -> m ())
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest -> m Property
        (\ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
ser ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
cli ->
  (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
-> IOSim s ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void (IOSim
   (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
 -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim
     (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Peer
  (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block))
  (IOSim s)
-> Peer
     (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block))
     (FlipAgency 'AsClient)
     (IOSim s)
-> IOSim
     (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
forall ps (pr :: PeerRole) (st :: ps) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Monad m, Protocol ps) =>
Peer ps pr st m a
-> Peer ps (FlipAgency pr) st m b -> m (a, b, TerminalStates ps)
connect (ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
-> Peer
     (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block))
     (IOSim s)
forall header point tip (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
ChainSyncClient header point tip m a
-> Peer (ChainSync header point tip) 'AsClient 'StIdle m a
chainSyncClientPeer ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
cli) (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
-> Peer
     (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block))
     (IOSim s)
forall header point tip (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
ChainSyncServer header point tip m a
-> Peer (ChainSync header point tip) 'AsServer 'StIdle m a
chainSyncServerPeer ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
        ) ChainProducerStateForkTest

propChainSyncConnectIO :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property
propChainSyncConnectIO :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property
propChainSyncConnectIO ChainProducerStateForkTest
cps =
    IO Property -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => IO prop -> Property
ioProperty (IO Property -> Property) -> IO Property -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
 -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b -> IO ())
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest -> IO Property
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadST m, MonadSTM m) =>
(forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
 -> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m b -> m ())
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest -> m Property
        (\ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
ser ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
cli ->
  (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
-> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void (IO
   (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
 -> IO ())
-> IO
     (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
-> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$  Peer
  (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)) 'AsClient 'StIdle IO b
-> Peer
     (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block))
     (FlipAgency 'AsClient)
-> IO
     (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
forall ps (pr :: PeerRole) (st :: ps) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Monad m, Protocol ps) =>
Peer ps pr st m a
-> Peer ps (FlipAgency pr) st m b -> m (a, b, TerminalStates ps)
connect (ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
-> Peer
     (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)) 'AsClient 'StIdle IO b
forall header point tip (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
ChainSyncClient header point tip m a
-> Peer (ChainSync header point tip) 'AsClient 'StIdle m a
chainSyncClientPeer ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
cli) (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
-> Peer
     (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)) 'AsServer 'StIdle IO a
forall header point tip (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
ChainSyncServer header point tip m a
-> Peer (ChainSync header point tip) 'AsServer 'StIdle m a
chainSyncServerPeer ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
        ) ChainProducerStateForkTest

-- Properties of pipelined client

-- | An experiment in which the client has a fork of the server chain.  The
-- experiment finishes successfully if the client receives the server's chain.
  :: forall m.
     ( MonadST m
     , MonadSTM m
  => (forall a b. ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
      -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m b
      -> m ())
  -> (forall a. StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
      -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
      -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a)
  -> ChainProducerStateForkTest
  -> m Bool
chainSyncPipelinedForkExperiment :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadST m, MonadSTM m) =>
(forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m b
 -> m ())
-> (forall a.
    StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
    -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a)
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> m Bool
chainSyncPipelinedForkExperiment forall a b.
ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m b
-> m ()
run forall a.
StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
-> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
mkClient (ChainProducerStateForkTest ChainProducerState Block
cps Chain Block
chain) = do
  let pchain :: Chain Block
pchain = ChainProducerState Block -> Chain Block
forall block. ChainProducerState block -> Chain block
ChainProducerState.producerChain ChainProducerState Block
  cpsVar   <- STM m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
-> m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
forall a. HasCallStack => STM m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadSTM m, HasCallStack) =>
STM m a -> m a
atomically (STM m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
 -> m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block)))
-> STM m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
-> m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ChainProducerState Block
-> STM m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadSTM m => a -> STM m (StrictTVar m a)
newTVar ChainProducerState Block
  chainVar <- atomically $ newTVar chain
  doneVar  <- atomically $ newTVar False
  let server = Any
-> StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block)
-> (Block -> Block)
-> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m Any
forall blk header (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasHeader blk, MonadSTM m, HeaderHash header ~ HeaderHash blk) =>
-> StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState blk)
-> (blk -> header)
-> ChainSyncServer header (Point blk) (Tip blk) m a
        (TestName -> Any
forall a. HasCallStack => TestName -> a
error TestName
"chainSyncServerExample: lazy in the result type")
        StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block)
        Block -> Block
forall a. a -> a
      client :: ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m ()
      client = StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
-> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m ()
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m ()
forall a.
StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
-> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
mkClient StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
chainVar (StrictTVar m Bool
-> Point Block -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) blockInfo.
MonadSTM m =>
StrictTVar m Bool
-> Point Block -> Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()
testClient StrictTVar m Bool
doneVar (Chain Block -> Point Block
forall block. HasHeader block => Chain block -> Point block
Chain.headPoint Chain Block
  _ <- run server client

  cchain <- atomically $ readTVar chainVar
  return (pchain == cchain)

-- Pipelined direct tests

propChainSyncPipelinedMaxDirectST :: ChainProducerStateForkTest
                                  -> PipeliningDepth
                                  -> Bool
propChainSyncPipelinedMaxDirectST :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Bool
propChainSyncPipelinedMaxDirectST ChainProducerStateForkTest
cps (PipeliningDepth Int
omax) =
    (forall s. IOSim s Bool) -> Bool
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> a
runSimOrThrow ((forall s. IOSim s Bool) -> Bool)
-> (forall s. IOSim s Bool) -> Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined
      Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (forall a.
    StrictTVar (IOSim s) (Chain Block)
    -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined
         Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a)
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> IOSim s Bool
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadST m, MonadSTM m) =>
(forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m b
 -> m ())
-> (forall a.
    StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
    -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a)
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> m Bool
    Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
  -> IOSim s (a, b))
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined
      Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined
         Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
    -> IOSim s (a, b))
-> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined
     Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
    -> a)
-> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
-> b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (((ChainSyncClientPipelined
     Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
   -> IOSim s (a, b))
  -> ChainSyncClientPipelined
       Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
  -> IOSim s ())
 -> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
     -> ChainSyncClientPipelined
          Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
     -> IOSim s (a, b))
 -> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined
      Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
 -> IOSim s ())
-> ((IOSim s (a, b) -> IOSim s ())
    -> (ChainSyncClientPipelined
          Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
        -> IOSim s (a, b))
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined
         Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
    -> IOSim s ())
-> (IOSim s (a, b) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined
         Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
    -> IOSim s (a, b))
-> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined
     Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
-> IOSim s ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (IOSim s (a, b) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ChainSyncClientPipelined
      Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
    -> IOSim s (a, b))
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined
     Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> (ChainSyncClientPipelined
      Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
    -> a)
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined
     Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
-> b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap) IOSim s (a, b) -> IOSim s ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined
     Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
-> IOSim s (a, b)
forall (m :: * -> *) header point tip a b.
Monad m =>
ChainSyncServer header point tip m a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined header point tip m b -> m (a, b)
-> StrictTVar (IOSim s) (Chain Block)
-> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined
     Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
forall header (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasHeader header, MonadSTM m) =>
-> StrictTVar m (Chain header)
-> Client header (Point header) (Tip header) m a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined header (Point header) (Tip header) m a
ChainSyncExamples.chainSyncClientPipelinedMax (Int -> Word16
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int

propChainSyncPipelinedMaxDirectIO :: ChainProducerStateForkTest
                                  -> PipeliningDepth
                                  -> Property
propChainSyncPipelinedMaxDirectIO :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Property
propChainSyncPipelinedMaxDirectIO ChainProducerStateForkTest
cps (PipeliningDepth Int
omax) =
    IO Bool -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => IO prop -> Property
ioProperty (IO Bool -> Property) -> IO Bool -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
 -> IO ())
-> (forall a.
    StrictTVar IO (Chain Block)
    -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a)
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadST m, MonadSTM m) =>
(forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m b
 -> m ())
-> (forall a.
    StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
    -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a)
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> m Bool
        ((((ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
  -> IO (a, b))
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
 -> IO ())
-> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
    -> IO (a, b))
-> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
-> IO ()
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a -> a)
-> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
-> b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (((ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
   -> IO (a, b))
  -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
  -> IO ())
 -> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
     -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
     -> IO (a, b))
 -> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
 -> IO ())
-> ((IO (a, b) -> IO ())
    -> (ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
        -> IO (a, b))
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
    -> IO ())
-> (IO (a, b) -> IO ())
-> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
    -> IO (a, b))
-> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
-> IO ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (IO (a, b) -> IO ())
-> (ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
    -> IO (a, b))
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
-> IO ()
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> (ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
    -> a)
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
-> b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap) IO (a, b) -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
-> IO (a, b)
forall (m :: * -> *) header point tip a b.
Monad m =>
ChainSyncServer header point tip m a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined header point tip m b -> m (a, b)
-> StrictTVar IO (Chain Block)
-> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
forall header (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasHeader header, MonadSTM m) =>
-> StrictTVar m (Chain header)
-> Client header (Point header) (Tip header) m a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined header (Point header) (Tip header) m a
ChainSyncExamples.chainSyncClientPipelinedMax (Int -> Word16
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int

propChainSyncPipelinedMinDirectST :: ChainProducerStateForkTest
                                  -> PipeliningDepth
                                  -> Bool
propChainSyncPipelinedMinDirectST :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Bool
propChainSyncPipelinedMinDirectST ChainProducerStateForkTest
cps (PipeliningDepth Int
omax) =
    (forall s. IOSim s Bool) -> Bool
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> a
runSimOrThrow ((forall s. IOSim s Bool) -> Bool)
-> (forall s. IOSim s Bool) -> Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined
      Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (forall a.
    StrictTVar (IOSim s) (Chain Block)
    -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined
         Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a)
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> IOSim s Bool
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadST m, MonadSTM m) =>
(forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m b
 -> m ())
-> (forall a.
    StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
    -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a)
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> m Bool
    Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
  -> IOSim s (a, b))
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined
      Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined
         Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
    -> IOSim s (a, b))
-> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined
     Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
    -> a)
-> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
-> b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (((ChainSyncClientPipelined
     Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
   -> IOSim s (a, b))
  -> ChainSyncClientPipelined
       Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
  -> IOSim s ())
 -> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
     -> ChainSyncClientPipelined
          Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
     -> IOSim s (a, b))
 -> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined
      Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
 -> IOSim s ())
-> ((IOSim s (a, b) -> IOSim s ())
    -> (ChainSyncClientPipelined
          Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
        -> IOSim s (a, b))
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined
         Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
    -> IOSim s ())
-> (IOSim s (a, b) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined
         Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
    -> IOSim s (a, b))
-> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined
     Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
-> IOSim s ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (IOSim s (a, b) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ChainSyncClientPipelined
      Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
    -> IOSim s (a, b))
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined
     Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> (ChainSyncClientPipelined
      Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
    -> a)
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined
     Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
-> b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap) IOSim s (a, b) -> IOSim s ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined
     Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
-> IOSim s (a, b)
forall (m :: * -> *) header point tip a b.
Monad m =>
ChainSyncServer header point tip m a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined header point tip m b -> m (a, b)
-> StrictTVar (IOSim s) (Chain Block)
-> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined
     Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
forall header (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasHeader header, MonadSTM m) =>
-> StrictTVar m (Chain header)
-> Client header (Point header) (Tip header) m a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined header (Point header) (Tip header) m a
ChainSyncExamples.chainSyncClientPipelinedMin (Int -> Word16
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int

propChainSyncPipelinedMinDirectIO :: ChainProducerStateForkTest
                                  -> PipeliningDepth
                                  -> Property
propChainSyncPipelinedMinDirectIO :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Property
propChainSyncPipelinedMinDirectIO ChainProducerStateForkTest
cps (PipeliningDepth Int
omax) =
    IO Bool -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => IO prop -> Property
ioProperty (IO Bool -> Property) -> IO Bool -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
 -> IO ())
-> (forall a.
    StrictTVar IO (Chain Block)
    -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a)
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadST m, MonadSTM m) =>
(forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m b
 -> m ())
-> (forall a.
    StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
    -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a)
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> m Bool
        ((((ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
  -> IO (a, b))
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
 -> IO ())
-> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
    -> IO (a, b))
-> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
-> IO ()
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a -> a)
-> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
-> b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (((ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
   -> IO (a, b))
  -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
  -> IO ())
 -> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
     -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
     -> IO (a, b))
 -> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
 -> IO ())
-> ((IO (a, b) -> IO ())
    -> (ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
        -> IO (a, b))
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
    -> IO ())
-> (IO (a, b) -> IO ())
-> (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
    -> IO (a, b))
-> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
-> IO ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (IO (a, b) -> IO ())
-> (ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
    -> IO (a, b))
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
-> IO ()
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> (ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
    -> a)
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
-> b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap) IO (a, b) -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
-> IO (a, b)
forall (m :: * -> *) header point tip a b.
Monad m =>
ChainSyncServer header point tip m a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined header point tip m b -> m (a, b)
-> StrictTVar IO (Chain Block)
-> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
forall header (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasHeader header, MonadSTM m) =>
-> StrictTVar m (Chain header)
-> Client header (Point header) (Tip header) m a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined header (Point header) (Tip header) m a
ChainSyncExamples.chainSyncClientPipelinedMin (Int -> Word16
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int

-- Pipelined connect tests

propChainSyncPipelinedMaxConnectST :: ChainProducerStateForkTest
                                   -> [Bool]
                                   -> PipeliningDepth
                                   -> Bool
propChainSyncPipelinedMaxConnectST :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> [Bool] -> PipeliningDepth -> Bool
propChainSyncPipelinedMaxConnectST ChainProducerStateForkTest
cps [Bool]
choices (PipeliningDepth Int
omax) =
    (forall s. IOSim s Bool) -> Bool
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> a
runSimOrThrow ((forall s. IOSim s Bool) -> Bool)
-> (forall s. IOSim s Bool) -> Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined
      Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (forall a.
    StrictTVar (IOSim s) (Chain Block)
    -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined
         Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a)
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> IOSim s Bool
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadST m, MonadSTM m) =>
(forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m b
 -> m ())
-> (forall a.
    StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
    -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a)
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> m Bool
        (\ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
ser ChainSyncClientPipelined
  Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
cli ->
  (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
-> IOSim s ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void (IOSim
   (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
 -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim
     (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Bool]
-> PeerPipelined
     (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block))
     (IOSim s)
-> Peer
     (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block))
     (FlipAgency 'AsClient)
     (IOSim s)
-> IOSim
     (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
forall ps (pr :: PeerRole) (st :: ps) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Monad m, Protocol ps) =>
-> PeerPipelined ps pr st m a
-> Peer ps (FlipAgency pr) st m b
-> m (a, b, TerminalStates ps)
  Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
-> PeerPipelined
     (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block))
     (IOSim s)
forall header point tip (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
ChainSyncClientPipelined header point tip m a
-> PeerPipelined (ChainSync header point tip) 'AsClient 'StIdle m a
chainSyncClientPeerPipelined ChainSyncClientPipelined
  Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
              (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
-> Peer
     (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block))
     (IOSim s)
forall header point tip (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
ChainSyncServer header point tip m a
-> Peer (ChainSync header point tip) 'AsServer 'StIdle m a
chainSyncServerPeer ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
-> StrictTVar (IOSim s) (Chain Block)
-> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined
     Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
forall header (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasHeader header, MonadSTM m) =>
-> StrictTVar m (Chain header)
-> Client header (Point header) (Tip header) m a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined header (Point header) (Tip header) m a
ChainSyncExamples.chainSyncClientPipelinedMax (Int -> Word16
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int

propChainSyncPipelinedMinConnectST :: ChainProducerStateForkTest
                                   -> [Bool]
                                   -> PipeliningDepth
                                   -> Bool
propChainSyncPipelinedMinConnectST :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> [Bool] -> PipeliningDepth -> Bool
propChainSyncPipelinedMinConnectST ChainProducerStateForkTest
cps [Bool]
choices (PipeliningDepth Int
omax) =
    (forall s. IOSim s Bool) -> Bool
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> a
runSimOrThrow ((forall s. IOSim s Bool) -> Bool)
-> (forall s. IOSim s Bool) -> Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined
      Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (forall a.
    StrictTVar (IOSim s) (Chain Block)
    -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined
         Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a)
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> IOSim s Bool
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadST m, MonadSTM m) =>
(forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m b
 -> m ())
-> (forall a.
    StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
    -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a)
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> m Bool
        (\ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
ser ChainSyncClientPipelined
  Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
cli ->
  (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
-> IOSim s ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void (IOSim
   (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
 -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim
     (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Bool]
-> PeerPipelined
     (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block))
     (IOSim s)
-> Peer
     (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block))
     (FlipAgency 'AsClient)
     (IOSim s)
-> IOSim
     (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
forall ps (pr :: PeerRole) (st :: ps) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Monad m, Protocol ps) =>
-> PeerPipelined ps pr st m a
-> Peer ps (FlipAgency pr) st m b
-> m (a, b, TerminalStates ps)
  Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
-> PeerPipelined
     (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block))
     (IOSim s)
forall header point tip (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
ChainSyncClientPipelined header point tip m a
-> PeerPipelined (ChainSync header point tip) 'AsClient 'StIdle m a
chainSyncClientPeerPipelined ChainSyncClientPipelined
  Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) b
              (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
-> Peer
     (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block))
     (IOSim s)
forall header point tip (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
ChainSyncServer header point tip m a
-> Peer (ChainSync header point tip) 'AsServer 'StIdle m a
chainSyncServerPeer ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
-> StrictTVar (IOSim s) (Chain Block)
-> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined
     Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) (IOSim s) a
forall header (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasHeader header, MonadSTM m) =>
-> StrictTVar m (Chain header)
-> Client header (Point header) (Tip header) m a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined header (Point header) (Tip header) m a
ChainSyncExamples.chainSyncClientPipelinedMin (Int -> Word16
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int

propChainSyncPipelinedMaxConnectIO :: ChainProducerStateForkTest
                                   -> [Bool]
                                   -> PipeliningDepth
                                   -> Property
propChainSyncPipelinedMaxConnectIO :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> [Bool] -> PipeliningDepth -> Property
propChainSyncPipelinedMaxConnectIO ChainProducerStateForkTest
cps [Bool]
choices (PipeliningDepth Int
omax) =
    IO Bool -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => IO prop -> Property
ioProperty (IO Bool -> Property) -> IO Bool -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
 -> IO ())
-> (forall a.
    StrictTVar IO (Chain Block)
    -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a)
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadST m, MonadSTM m) =>
(forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m b
 -> m ())
-> (forall a.
    StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
    -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a)
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> m Bool
        (\ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
ser ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
cli ->
  (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
-> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void (IO
   (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
 -> IO ())
-> IO
     (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
-> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Bool]
-> PeerPipelined
     (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)) 'AsClient 'StIdle IO b
-> Peer
     (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block))
     (FlipAgency 'AsClient)
-> IO
     (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
forall ps (pr :: PeerRole) (st :: ps) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Monad m, Protocol ps) =>
-> PeerPipelined ps pr st m a
-> Peer ps (FlipAgency pr) st m b
-> m (a, b, TerminalStates ps)
              (ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
-> PeerPipelined
     (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)) 'AsClient 'StIdle IO b
forall header point tip (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
ChainSyncClientPipelined header point tip m a
-> PeerPipelined (ChainSync header point tip) 'AsClient 'StIdle m a
chainSyncClientPeerPipelined ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
              (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
-> Peer
     (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)) 'AsServer 'StIdle IO a
forall header point tip (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
ChainSyncServer header point tip m a
-> Peer (ChainSync header point tip) 'AsServer 'StIdle m a
chainSyncServerPeer ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
-> StrictTVar IO (Chain Block)
-> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
forall header (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasHeader header, MonadSTM m) =>
-> StrictTVar m (Chain header)
-> Client header (Point header) (Tip header) m a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined header (Point header) (Tip header) m a
ChainSyncExamples.chainSyncClientPipelinedMax (Int -> Word16
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int

propChainSyncPipelinedMinConnectIO :: ChainProducerStateForkTest
                                   -> [Bool]
                                   -> PipeliningDepth
                                   -> Property
propChainSyncPipelinedMinConnectIO :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> [Bool] -> PipeliningDepth -> Property
propChainSyncPipelinedMinConnectIO ChainProducerStateForkTest
cps [Bool]
choices (PipeliningDepth Int
omax) =
    IO Bool -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => IO prop -> Property
ioProperty (IO Bool -> Property) -> IO Bool -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
 -> IO ())
-> (forall a.
    StrictTVar IO (Chain Block)
    -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a)
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadST m, MonadSTM m) =>
(forall a b.
 ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
 -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m b
 -> m ())
-> (forall a.
    StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
    -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a)
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> m Bool
        (\ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
ser ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
cli ->
  (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
-> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void (IO
   (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
 -> IO ())
-> IO
     (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
-> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Bool]
-> PeerPipelined
     (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)) 'AsClient 'StIdle IO b
-> Peer
     (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block))
     (FlipAgency 'AsClient)
-> IO
     (b, a, TerminalStates (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)))
forall ps (pr :: PeerRole) (st :: ps) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Monad m, Protocol ps) =>
-> PeerPipelined ps pr st m a
-> Peer ps (FlipAgency pr) st m b
-> m (a, b, TerminalStates ps)
              (ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
-> PeerPipelined
     (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)) 'AsClient 'StIdle IO b
forall header point tip (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
ChainSyncClientPipelined header point tip m a
-> PeerPipelined (ChainSync header point tip) 'AsClient 'StIdle m a
chainSyncClientPeerPipelined ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO b
              (ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
-> Peer
     (ChainSync Block (Point Block) (Tip Block)) 'AsServer 'StIdle IO a
forall header point tip (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
ChainSyncServer header point tip m a
-> Peer (ChainSync header point tip) 'AsServer 'StIdle m a
chainSyncServerPeer ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
-> StrictTVar IO (Chain Block)
-> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) IO a
forall header (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasHeader header, MonadSTM m) =>
-> StrictTVar m (Chain header)
-> Client header (Point header) (Tip header) m a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined header (Point header) (Tip header) m a
ChainSyncExamples.chainSyncClientPipelinedMin (Int -> Word16
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int

instance (Arbitrary header, Arbitrary point, Arbitrary tip)
      => Arbitrary (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)) where
  arbitrary :: Gen (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
arbitrary = [Gen (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))]
-> Gen (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
forall a. [Gen a] -> Gen a
    [ AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
-> Gen (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
forall a. a -> Gen a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
 -> Gen (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)))
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
-> Gen (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PeerHasAgency 'AsClient 'StIdle
-> Message
     (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIdle ('StNext 'StCanAwait)
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) (st' :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message ps st st' -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps
AnyMessageAndAgency (ClientHasAgency 'StIdle -> PeerHasAgency 'AsClient 'StIdle
forall {ps} (st :: ps).
ClientHasAgency st -> PeerHasAgency 'AsClient st
ClientAgency ClientHasAgency 'StIdle
forall {k} {k1} {k2} {header :: k} {point :: k1} {tip :: k2}.
ClientHasAgency 'StIdle
TokIdle) Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIdle ('StNext 'StCanAwait)
forall {k} {k1} {k2} (header :: k) (point :: k1) (tip :: k2).
Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIdle ('StNext 'StCanAwait)
    , AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
-> Gen (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
forall a. a -> Gen a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
 -> Gen (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)))
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
-> Gen (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PeerHasAgency 'AsServer ('StNext 'StCanAwait)
-> Message
     (ChainSync header point tip)
     ('StNext 'StCanAwait)
     ('StNext 'StMustReply)
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) (st' :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message ps st st' -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps
AnyMessageAndAgency (ServerHasAgency ('StNext 'StCanAwait)
-> PeerHasAgency 'AsServer ('StNext 'StCanAwait)
forall {ps} (st :: ps).
ServerHasAgency st -> PeerHasAgency 'AsServer st
ServerAgency (TokNextKind 'StCanAwait -> ServerHasAgency ('StNext 'StCanAwait)
forall {k} {k1} {k2} {header :: k} {point :: k1} {tip :: k2}
       (k3 :: StNextKind).
TokNextKind k3 -> ServerHasAgency ('StNext k3)
TokNext TokNextKind 'StCanAwait
TokCanAwait)) Message
  (ChainSync header point tip)
  ('StNext 'StCanAwait)
  ('StNext 'StMustReply)
forall {k} {k1} {k2} (header :: k) (point :: k1) (tip :: k2).
  (ChainSync header point tip)
  ('StNext 'StCanAwait)
  ('StNext 'StMustReply)

    , PeerHasAgency 'AsServer ('StNext 'StCanAwait)
-> Message
     (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StCanAwait) 'StIdle
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) (st' :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message ps st st' -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps
AnyMessageAndAgency (ServerHasAgency ('StNext 'StCanAwait)
-> PeerHasAgency 'AsServer ('StNext 'StCanAwait)
forall {ps} (st :: ps).
ServerHasAgency st -> PeerHasAgency 'AsServer st
ServerAgency (TokNextKind 'StCanAwait -> ServerHasAgency ('StNext 'StCanAwait)
forall {k} {k1} {k2} {header :: k} {point :: k1} {tip :: k2}
       (k3 :: StNextKind).
TokNextKind k3 -> ServerHasAgency ('StNext k3)
TokNext TokNextKind 'StCanAwait
        (Message (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StCanAwait) 'StIdle
 -> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
-> Gen
        (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StCanAwait) 'StIdle)
-> Gen (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (header
-> tip
-> Message
     (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StCanAwait) 'StIdle
forall {k1} header1 tip1 (point :: k1) (any :: StNextKind).
-> tip1
-> Message (ChainSync header1 point tip1) ('StNext any) 'StIdle
MsgRollForward (header
 -> tip
 -> Message
      (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StCanAwait) 'StIdle)
-> Gen header
-> Gen
      -> Message
           (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StCanAwait) 'StIdle)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Gen header
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
   -> Message
        (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StCanAwait) 'StIdle)
-> Gen tip
-> Gen
        (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StCanAwait) 'StIdle)
forall a b. Gen (a -> b) -> Gen a -> Gen b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Gen tip
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a

    , PeerHasAgency 'AsServer ('StNext 'StMustReply)
-> Message
     (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StMustReply) 'StIdle
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) (st' :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message ps st st' -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps
AnyMessageAndAgency (ServerHasAgency ('StNext 'StMustReply)
-> PeerHasAgency 'AsServer ('StNext 'StMustReply)
forall {ps} (st :: ps).
ServerHasAgency st -> PeerHasAgency 'AsServer st
ServerAgency (TokNextKind 'StMustReply -> ServerHasAgency ('StNext 'StMustReply)
forall {k} {k1} {k2} {header :: k} {point :: k1} {tip :: k2}
       (k3 :: StNextKind).
TokNextKind k3 -> ServerHasAgency ('StNext k3)
TokNext TokNextKind 'StMustReply
   (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StMustReply) 'StIdle
 -> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
-> Gen
        (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StMustReply) 'StIdle)
-> Gen (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (header
-> tip
-> Message
     (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StMustReply) 'StIdle
forall {k1} header1 tip1 (point :: k1) (any :: StNextKind).
-> tip1
-> Message (ChainSync header1 point tip1) ('StNext any) 'StIdle
MsgRollForward (header
 -> tip
 -> Message
      (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StMustReply) 'StIdle)
-> Gen header
-> Gen
      -> Message
           (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StMustReply) 'StIdle)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Gen header
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
   -> Message
        (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StMustReply) 'StIdle)
-> Gen tip
-> Gen
        (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StMustReply) 'StIdle)
forall a b. Gen (a -> b) -> Gen a -> Gen b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Gen tip
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a

    , PeerHasAgency 'AsServer ('StNext 'StCanAwait)
-> Message
     (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StCanAwait) 'StIdle
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) (st' :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message ps st st' -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps
AnyMessageAndAgency (ServerHasAgency ('StNext 'StCanAwait)
-> PeerHasAgency 'AsServer ('StNext 'StCanAwait)
forall {ps} (st :: ps).
ServerHasAgency st -> PeerHasAgency 'AsServer st
ServerAgency (TokNextKind 'StCanAwait -> ServerHasAgency ('StNext 'StCanAwait)
forall {k} {k1} {k2} {header :: k} {point :: k1} {tip :: k2}
       (k3 :: StNextKind).
TokNextKind k3 -> ServerHasAgency ('StNext k3)
TokNext TokNextKind 'StCanAwait
        (Message (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StCanAwait) 'StIdle
 -> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
-> Gen
        (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StCanAwait) 'StIdle)
-> Gen (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (point
-> tip
-> Message
     (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StCanAwait) 'StIdle
forall {k} point1 tip1 (header :: k) (any :: StNextKind).
-> tip1
-> Message (ChainSync header point1 tip1) ('StNext any) 'StIdle
MsgRollBackward (point
 -> tip
 -> Message
      (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StCanAwait) 'StIdle)
-> Gen point
-> Gen
      -> Message
           (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StCanAwait) 'StIdle)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Gen point
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
   -> Message
        (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StCanAwait) 'StIdle)
-> Gen tip
-> Gen
        (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StCanAwait) 'StIdle)
forall a b. Gen (a -> b) -> Gen a -> Gen b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Gen tip
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a

    , PeerHasAgency 'AsServer ('StNext 'StMustReply)
-> Message
     (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StMustReply) 'StIdle
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) (st' :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message ps st st' -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps
AnyMessageAndAgency (ServerHasAgency ('StNext 'StMustReply)
-> PeerHasAgency 'AsServer ('StNext 'StMustReply)
forall {ps} (st :: ps).
ServerHasAgency st -> PeerHasAgency 'AsServer st
ServerAgency (TokNextKind 'StMustReply -> ServerHasAgency ('StNext 'StMustReply)
forall {k} {k1} {k2} {header :: k} {point :: k1} {tip :: k2}
       (k3 :: StNextKind).
TokNextKind k3 -> ServerHasAgency ('StNext k3)
TokNext TokNextKind 'StMustReply
   (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StMustReply) 'StIdle
 -> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
-> Gen
        (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StMustReply) 'StIdle)
-> Gen (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (point
-> tip
-> Message
     (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StMustReply) 'StIdle
forall {k} point1 tip1 (header :: k) (any :: StNextKind).
-> tip1
-> Message (ChainSync header point1 tip1) ('StNext any) 'StIdle
MsgRollBackward (point
 -> tip
 -> Message
      (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StMustReply) 'StIdle)
-> Gen point
-> Gen
      -> Message
           (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StMustReply) 'StIdle)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Gen point
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
   -> Message
        (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StMustReply) 'StIdle)
-> Gen tip
-> Gen
        (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StMustReply) 'StIdle)
forall a b. Gen (a -> b) -> Gen a -> Gen b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Gen tip
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a

    , PeerHasAgency 'AsClient 'StIdle
-> Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIdle 'StIntersect
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) (st' :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message ps st st' -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps
AnyMessageAndAgency (ClientHasAgency 'StIdle -> PeerHasAgency 'AsClient 'StIdle
forall {ps} (st :: ps).
ClientHasAgency st -> PeerHasAgency 'AsClient st
ClientAgency ClientHasAgency 'StIdle
forall {k} {k1} {k2} {header :: k} {point :: k1} {tip :: k2}.
ClientHasAgency 'StIdle
TokIdle) (Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIdle 'StIntersect
 -> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
-> ([point]
    -> Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIdle 'StIntersect)
-> [point]
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. [point]
-> Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIdle 'StIntersect
forall {k} {k2} point1 (header :: k) (tip :: k2).
-> Message (ChainSync header point1 tip) 'StIdle 'StIntersect
        ([point] -> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
-> Gen [point]
-> Gen (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Gen point -> Gen [point]
forall a. Gen a -> Gen [a]
listOf Gen point
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a

    , PeerHasAgency 'AsServer 'StIntersect
-> Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIntersect 'StIdle
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) (st' :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message ps st st' -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps
AnyMessageAndAgency (ServerHasAgency 'StIntersect
-> PeerHasAgency 'AsServer 'StIntersect
forall {ps} (st :: ps).
ServerHasAgency st -> PeerHasAgency 'AsServer st
ServerAgency ServerHasAgency 'StIntersect
forall {k} {k1} {k2} {header :: k} {point :: k1} {tip :: k2}.
ServerHasAgency 'StIntersect
        (Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIntersect 'StIdle
 -> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
-> Gen (Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIntersect 'StIdle)
-> Gen (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (point
-> tip -> Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIntersect 'StIdle
forall {k} point1 tip1 (header :: k).
-> tip1
-> Message (ChainSync header point1 tip1) 'StIntersect 'StIdle
MsgIntersectFound (point
 -> tip
 -> Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIntersect 'StIdle)
-> Gen point
-> Gen
     (tip -> Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIntersect 'StIdle)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Gen point
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
  (tip -> Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIntersect 'StIdle)
-> Gen tip
-> Gen (Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIntersect 'StIdle)
forall a b. Gen (a -> b) -> Gen a -> Gen b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Gen tip
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a

    , PeerHasAgency 'AsServer 'StIntersect
-> Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIntersect 'StIdle
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) (st' :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message ps st st' -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps
AnyMessageAndAgency (ServerHasAgency 'StIntersect
-> PeerHasAgency 'AsServer 'StIntersect
forall {ps} (st :: ps).
ServerHasAgency st -> PeerHasAgency 'AsServer st
ServerAgency ServerHasAgency 'StIntersect
forall {k} {k1} {k2} {header :: k} {point :: k1} {tip :: k2}.
ServerHasAgency 'StIntersect
        (Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIntersect 'StIdle
 -> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
-> Gen (Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIntersect 'StIdle)
-> Gen (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (tip -> Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIntersect 'StIdle
forall {k} {k1} tip1 (header :: k) (point :: k1).
tip1 -> Message (ChainSync header point tip1) 'StIntersect 'StIdle
MsgIntersectNotFound (tip -> Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIntersect 'StIdle)
-> Gen tip
-> Gen (Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIntersect 'StIdle)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Gen tip
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a

    , AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
-> Gen (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
forall a. a -> Gen a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
 -> Gen (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)))
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
-> Gen (AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PeerHasAgency 'AsClient 'StIdle
-> Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIdle 'StDone
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) (st' :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message ps st st' -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps
AnyMessageAndAgency (ClientHasAgency 'StIdle -> PeerHasAgency 'AsClient 'StIdle
forall {ps} (st :: ps).
ClientHasAgency st -> PeerHasAgency 'AsClient st
ClientAgency ClientHasAgency 'StIdle
forall {k} {k1} {k2} {header :: k} {point :: k1} {tip :: k2}.
ClientHasAgency 'StIdle
TokIdle) Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIdle 'StDone
forall {k} {k1} {k2} (header :: k) (point :: k1) (tip :: k2).
Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIdle 'StDone

  shrink :: AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
-> [AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)]
shrink (AnyMessageAndAgency (ClientAgency ClientHasAgency st
R:ClientHasAgencyChainSyncst (*) (*) (*) header point tip st
TokIdle) Message (ChainSync header point tip) st st'
R:MessageChainSyncfromto (*) (*) (*) header point tip st st'
MsgRequestNext) = []
  shrink (AnyMessageAndAgency (ServerAgency (TokNext TokNextKind k3
TokCanAwait)) Message (ChainSync header point tip) st st'
R:MessageChainSyncfromto (*) (*) (*) header point tip st st'
MsgAwaitReply) = []
  shrink (AnyMessageAndAgency a :: PeerHasAgency pr st
a@(ServerAgency (TokNext TokNextKind k3
TokCanAwait)) (MsgRollForward header1
header tip1
tip)) =
       [ PeerHasAgency pr st
-> Message (ChainSync header point tip) st 'StIdle
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) (st' :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message ps st st' -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps
AnyMessageAndAgency PeerHasAgency pr st
a (header
-> tip
-> Message
     (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StCanAwait) 'StIdle
forall {k1} header1 tip1 (point :: k1) (any :: StNextKind).
-> tip1
-> Message (ChainSync header1 point tip1) ('StNext any) 'StIdle
MsgRollForward header
header' tip
       | header1
header' <- header1 -> [header1]
forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
shrink header1
    [AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)]
-> [AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)]
-> [AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [ PeerHasAgency pr st
-> Message (ChainSync header point tip) st 'StIdle
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) (st' :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message ps st st' -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps
AnyMessageAndAgency PeerHasAgency pr st
a (header
-> tip
-> Message
     (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StCanAwait) 'StIdle
forall {k1} header1 tip1 (point :: k1) (any :: StNextKind).
-> tip1
-> Message (ChainSync header1 point tip1) ('StNext any) 'StIdle
MsgRollForward header
header tip
       | tip1
tip' <- tip1 -> [tip1]
forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
shrink tip1
  -- TODO: with ghc-9.2 or later this and previous case can be merged into one
  shrink (AnyMessageAndAgency a :: PeerHasAgency pr st
a@(ServerAgency (TokNext TokNextKind k3
TokMustReply)) (MsgRollForward header1
header tip1
tip)) =
       [ PeerHasAgency pr st
-> Message (ChainSync header point tip) st 'StIdle
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) (st' :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message ps st st' -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps
AnyMessageAndAgency PeerHasAgency pr st
a (header
-> tip
-> Message
     (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StMustReply) 'StIdle
forall {k1} header1 tip1 (point :: k1) (any :: StNextKind).
-> tip1
-> Message (ChainSync header1 point tip1) ('StNext any) 'StIdle
MsgRollForward header
header' tip
       | header1
header' <- header1 -> [header1]
forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
shrink header1
    [AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)]
-> [AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)]
-> [AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [ PeerHasAgency pr st
-> Message (ChainSync header point tip) st 'StIdle
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) (st' :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message ps st st' -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps
AnyMessageAndAgency PeerHasAgency pr st
a (header
-> tip
-> Message
     (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext 'StMustReply) 'StIdle
forall {k1} header1 tip1 (point :: k1) (any :: StNextKind).
-> tip1
-> Message (ChainSync header1 point tip1) ('StNext any) 'StIdle
MsgRollForward header
header tip
       | tip1
tip' <- tip1 -> [tip1]
forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
shrink tip1
  shrink (AnyMessageAndAgency a :: PeerHasAgency pr st
a@(ServerAgency TokNext {}) (MsgRollBackward point1
header tip1
tip)) =
       [ PeerHasAgency pr st
-> Message (ChainSync header point tip) st 'StIdle
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) (st' :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message ps st st' -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps
AnyMessageAndAgency PeerHasAgency pr st
a (point
-> tip -> Message (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext k3) 'StIdle
forall {k} point1 tip1 (header :: k) (any :: StNextKind).
-> tip1
-> Message (ChainSync header point1 tip1) ('StNext any) 'StIdle
MsgRollBackward point
header' tip
       | point1
header' <- point1 -> [point1]
forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
shrink point1
    [AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)]
-> [AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)]
-> [AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [ PeerHasAgency pr st
-> Message (ChainSync header point tip) st 'StIdle
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) (st' :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message ps st st' -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps
AnyMessageAndAgency PeerHasAgency pr st
a (point
-> tip -> Message (ChainSync header point tip) ('StNext k3) 'StIdle
forall {k} point1 tip1 (header :: k) (any :: StNextKind).
-> tip1
-> Message (ChainSync header point1 tip1) ('StNext any) 'StIdle
MsgRollBackward point
header tip
       | tip1
tip' <- tip1 -> [tip1]
forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
shrink tip1
  shrink (AnyMessageAndAgency a :: PeerHasAgency pr st
a@(ClientAgency ClientHasAgency st
R:ClientHasAgencyChainSyncst (*) (*) (*) header point tip st
TokIdle) (MsgFindIntersect [point1]
points)) =
       [ PeerHasAgency pr st
-> Message (ChainSync header point tip) st 'StIntersect
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) (st' :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message ps st st' -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps
AnyMessageAndAgency PeerHasAgency pr st
a ([point]
-> Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIdle 'StIntersect
forall {k} {k2} point1 (header :: k) (tip :: k2).
-> Message (ChainSync header point1 tip) 'StIdle 'StIntersect
MsgFindIntersect [point]
       | [point1]
points' <- [point1] -> [[point1]]
forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
shrink [point1]
  shrink (AnyMessageAndAgency a :: PeerHasAgency pr st
a@(ServerAgency ServerHasAgency st
R:ServerHasAgencyChainSyncst (*) (*) (*) header point tip st
TokIntersect) (MsgIntersectFound point1
point tip1
tip)) =
       [ PeerHasAgency pr st
-> Message (ChainSync header point tip) st 'StIdle
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) (st' :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message ps st st' -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps
AnyMessageAndAgency PeerHasAgency pr st
a (point
-> tip -> Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIntersect 'StIdle
forall {k} point1 tip1 (header :: k).
-> tip1
-> Message (ChainSync header point1 tip1) 'StIntersect 'StIdle
MsgIntersectFound point
point' tip
       | point1
point' <- point1 -> [point1]
forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
shrink point1
    [AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)]
-> [AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)]
-> [AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [ PeerHasAgency pr st
-> Message (ChainSync header point tip) st 'StIdle
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) (st' :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message ps st st' -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps
AnyMessageAndAgency PeerHasAgency pr st
a (point
-> tip -> Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIntersect 'StIdle
forall {k} point1 tip1 (header :: k).
-> tip1
-> Message (ChainSync header point1 tip1) 'StIntersect 'StIdle
MsgIntersectFound point
point tip
       | tip1
tip' <- tip1 -> [tip1]
forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
shrink tip1
  shrink (AnyMessageAndAgency a :: PeerHasAgency pr st
a@(ServerAgency ServerHasAgency st
R:ServerHasAgencyChainSyncst (*) (*) (*) header point tip st
TokIntersect) (MsgIntersectNotFound tip1
tip)) =
       [ PeerHasAgency pr st
-> Message (ChainSync header point tip) st 'StIdle
-> AnyMessageAndAgency (ChainSync header point tip)
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps) (st' :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message ps st st' -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps
AnyMessageAndAgency PeerHasAgency pr st
a (tip -> Message (ChainSync header point tip) 'StIntersect 'StIdle
forall {k} {k1} tip1 (header :: k) (point :: k1).
tip1 -> Message (ChainSync header point tip1) 'StIntersect 'StIdle
MsgIntersectNotFound tip
       | tip1
tip' <- tip1 -> [tip1]
forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
shrink tip1
  shrink (AnyMessageAndAgency (ClientAgency ClientHasAgency st
R:ClientHasAgencyChainSyncst (*) (*) (*) header point tip st
TokIdle) Message (ChainSync header point tip) st st'
R:MessageChainSyncfromto (*) (*) (*) header point tip st st'
MsgDone) = []

-- type aliases to keep sizes down
type ChainSync_BlockHeader =
     ChainSync BlockHeader (Point BlockHeader) (Tip BlockHeader)

type ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader =
     ChainSync (Serialised BlockHeader) (Point BlockHeader) (Tip BlockHeader)

instance Arbitrary (Tip BlockHeader) where
  arbitrary :: Gen (Tip BlockHeader)
arbitrary = Point BlockHeader -> BlockNo -> Tip BlockHeader
f (Point BlockHeader -> BlockNo -> Tip BlockHeader)
-> Gen (Point BlockHeader) -> Gen (BlockNo -> Tip BlockHeader)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Gen (Point BlockHeader)
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
arbitrary Gen (BlockNo -> Tip BlockHeader)
-> Gen BlockNo -> Gen (Tip BlockHeader)
forall a b. Gen (a -> b) -> Gen a -> Gen b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Gen BlockNo
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
      f :: Point BlockHeader ->  BlockNo -> Tip BlockHeader
      f :: Point BlockHeader -> BlockNo -> Tip BlockHeader
f Point BlockHeader
GenesisPoint BlockNo
_     = Tip BlockHeader
forall {k} (b :: k). Tip b
      f (BlockPoint SlotNo
s HeaderHash BlockHeader
h) BlockNo
b = SlotNo -> HeaderHash BlockHeader -> BlockNo -> Tip BlockHeader
forall {k} (b :: k). SlotNo -> HeaderHash b -> BlockNo -> Tip b
Tip SlotNo
s HeaderHash BlockHeader
h BlockNo

  shrink :: Tip BlockHeader -> [Tip BlockHeader]
shrink Tip BlockHeader
TipGenesis = []
  shrink (Tip SlotNo
slotNo HeaderHash BlockHeader
hash BlockNo
blockNo) =
       [ SlotNo -> HeaderHash BlockHeader -> BlockNo -> Tip BlockHeader
forall {k} (b :: k). SlotNo -> HeaderHash b -> BlockNo -> Tip b
Tip SlotNo
slotNo' HeaderHash BlockHeader
hash BlockNo
       | SlotNo
slotNo' <- SlotNo -> [SlotNo]
forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
shrink SlotNo
    [Tip BlockHeader] -> [Tip BlockHeader] -> [Tip BlockHeader]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [ SlotNo -> HeaderHash BlockHeader -> BlockNo -> Tip BlockHeader
forall {k} (b :: k). SlotNo -> HeaderHash b -> BlockNo -> Tip b
Tip SlotNo
slotNo HeaderHash BlockHeader
hash BlockNo
       | BlockNo
blockNo' <- BlockNo -> [BlockNo]
forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
shrink BlockNo

instance Arbitrary (Serialised BlockHeader) where
  arbitrary :: Gen (Serialised BlockHeader)
arbitrary = BlockHeader -> Serialised BlockHeader
serialiseBlock (BlockHeader -> Serialised BlockHeader)
-> Gen BlockHeader -> Gen (Serialised BlockHeader)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Gen BlockHeader
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
      serialiseBlock :: BlockHeader -> Serialised BlockHeader
      serialiseBlock :: BlockHeader -> Serialised BlockHeader
serialiseBlock = ByteString -> Serialised BlockHeader
forall {k} (a :: k). ByteString -> Serialised a
Serialised (ByteString -> Serialised BlockHeader)
-> (BlockHeader -> ByteString)
-> BlockHeader
-> Serialised BlockHeader
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. BlockHeader -> ByteString
forall a. Serialise a => a -> ByteString

instance ( StandardHash header
         , Eq header
         , Eq point
         , Eq tip
         ) => Eq (AnyMessage (ChainSync header point tip)) where
  AnyMessage Message (ChainSync header point tip) st st'
R:MessageChainSyncfromto (*) (*) (*) header point tip st st'
MsgRequestNext              == :: AnyMessage (ChainSync header point tip)
-> AnyMessage (ChainSync header point tip) -> Bool
== AnyMessage Message (ChainSync header point tip) st st'
R:MessageChainSyncfromto (*) (*) (*) header point tip st st'
MsgRequestNext              = Bool
  AnyMessage Message (ChainSync header point tip) st st'
R:MessageChainSyncfromto (*) (*) (*) header point tip st st'
MsgAwaitReply               == AnyMessage Message (ChainSync header point tip) st st'
R:MessageChainSyncfromto (*) (*) (*) header point tip st st'
MsgAwaitReply               = Bool
  AnyMessage (MsgRollForward header1
h1 tip1
tip1)    == AnyMessage (MsgRollForward header1
h2 tip1
tip2)    = header1
h1 header1 -> header1 -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== header1
h2 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& tip1
tip1 tip1 -> tip1 -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== tip1
  AnyMessage (MsgRollBackward point1
p1 tip1
tip1)   == AnyMessage (MsgRollBackward point1
p2 tip1
tip2)   = point1
p1 point1 -> point1 -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== point1
p2 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& tip1
tip1 tip1 -> tip1 -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== tip1
  AnyMessage (MsgFindIntersect [point1]
ps1)      == AnyMessage (MsgFindIntersect [point1]
ps2)      = [point1]
ps1 [point1] -> [point1] -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== [point1]
  AnyMessage (MsgIntersectFound point1
p1 tip1
tip1) == AnyMessage (MsgIntersectFound point1
p2 tip1
tip2) = point1
p1 point1 -> point1 -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== point1
p2 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& tip1
tip1 tip1 -> tip1 -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== tip1
  AnyMessage (MsgIntersectNotFound tip1
tip1) == AnyMessage (MsgIntersectNotFound tip1
tip2) = tip1
tip1 tip1 -> tip1 -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== tip1
  AnyMessage Message (ChainSync header point tip) st st'
R:MessageChainSyncfromto (*) (*) (*) header point tip st st'
MsgDone                     == AnyMessage Message (ChainSync header point tip) st st'
R:MessageChainSyncfromto (*) (*) (*) header point tip st st'
MsgDone                     = Bool
  AnyMessage (ChainSync header point tip)
_                                      == AnyMessage (ChainSync header point tip)
_                                      = Bool

codec :: ( MonadST m
         , S.Serialise block
         , S.Serialise (Chain.HeaderHash block)
      => Codec (ChainSync block (Point block) (Tip block))
               m ByteString
codec :: forall (m :: * -> *) block.
(MonadST m, Serialise block, Serialise (HeaderHash block)) =>
  (ChainSync block (Point block) (Tip block))
codec = (block -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s block)
-> (Point block -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s (Point block))
-> (Tip block -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s (Tip block))
-> Codec
     (ChainSync block (Point block) (Tip block))
forall header point tip (m :: * -> *).
MonadST m =>
(header -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s header)
-> (point -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s point)
-> (tip -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s tip)
-> Codec
     (ChainSync header point tip) DeserialiseFailure m ByteString
codecChainSync block -> Encoding
forall a. Serialise a => a -> Encoding
S.encode             Decoder s block
forall s. Decoder s block
forall a s. Serialise a => Decoder s a
                       Point block -> Encoding
forall a. Serialise a => a -> Encoding
S.encode             Decoder s (Point block)
forall s. Decoder s (Point block)
forall a s. Serialise a => Decoder s a
                       ((HeaderHash block -> Encoding) -> Tip block -> Encoding
forall {k} (blk :: k).
(HeaderHash blk -> Encoding) -> Tip blk -> Encoding
encodeTip HeaderHash block -> Encoding
forall a. Serialise a => a -> Encoding
S.encode) ((forall s. Decoder s (HeaderHash block))
-> forall s. Decoder s (Tip block)
forall {k} (blk :: k).
(forall s. Decoder s (HeaderHash blk))
-> forall s. Decoder s (Tip blk)
decodeTip Decoder s (HeaderHash block)
forall s. Decoder s (HeaderHash block)
forall a s. Serialise a => Decoder s a

codecWrapped :: ( MonadST m
                , S.Serialise block
                , S.Serialise (Chain.HeaderHash block)
             => Codec (ChainSync block (Point block) (Tip block))
                      m ByteString
codecWrapped :: forall (m :: * -> *) block.
(MonadST m, Serialise block, Serialise (HeaderHash block)) =>
  (ChainSync block (Point block) (Tip block))
codecWrapped =
    (block -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s block)
-> (Point block -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s (Point block))
-> (Tip block -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s (Tip block))
-> Codec
     (ChainSync block (Point block) (Tip block))
forall header point tip (m :: * -> *).
MonadST m =>
(header -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s header)
-> (point -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s point)
-> (tip -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s tip)
-> Codec
     (ChainSync header point tip) DeserialiseFailure m ByteString
codecChainSync ((block -> Encoding) -> block -> Encoding
forall a. (a -> Encoding) -> a -> Encoding
wrapCBORinCBOR block -> Encoding
forall a. Serialise a => a -> Encoding
S.encode) ((forall s. Decoder s (ByteString -> block))
-> forall s. Decoder s block
forall a.
(forall s. Decoder s (ByteString -> a)) -> forall s. Decoder s a
unwrapCBORinCBOR (block -> ByteString -> block
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const (block -> ByteString -> block)
-> Decoder s block -> Decoder s (ByteString -> block)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Decoder s block
forall s. Decoder s block
forall a s. Serialise a => Decoder s a
                   Point block -> Encoding
forall a. Serialise a => a -> Encoding
S.encode                  Decoder s (Point block)
forall s. Decoder s (Point block)
forall a s. Serialise a => Decoder s a
                   ((HeaderHash block -> Encoding) -> Tip block -> Encoding
forall {k} (blk :: k).
(HeaderHash blk -> Encoding) -> Tip blk -> Encoding
encodeTip HeaderHash block -> Encoding
forall a. Serialise a => a -> Encoding
S.encode)      ((forall s. Decoder s (HeaderHash block))
-> forall s. Decoder s (Tip block)
forall {k} (blk :: k).
(forall s. Decoder s (HeaderHash blk))
-> forall s. Decoder s (Tip blk)
decodeTip Decoder s (HeaderHash block)
forall s. Decoder s (HeaderHash block)
forall a s. Serialise a => Decoder s a

  :: AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader
  -> Bool
prop_codec_ChainSync :: AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader -> Bool
prop_codec_ChainSync AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader
msg =
    (forall s. ST s Bool) -> Bool
forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
ST.runST ((forall s. ST s Bool) -> Bool) -> (forall s. ST s Bool) -> Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Codec ChainSync_BlockHeader DeserialiseFailure (ST s) ByteString
-> AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader -> ST s Bool
forall ps failure (m :: * -> *) bytes.
(Monad m, Eq (AnyMessage ps)) =>
Codec ps failure m bytes -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps -> m Bool
prop_codecM Codec ChainSync_BlockHeader DeserialiseFailure (ST s) ByteString
forall (m :: * -> *) block.
(MonadST m, Serialise block, Serialise (HeaderHash block)) =>
  (ChainSync block (Point block) (Tip block))
codec AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader

  :: AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader
  -> Bool
prop_codec_splits2_ChainSync :: AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader -> Bool
prop_codec_splits2_ChainSync AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader
msg =
    (forall s. ST s Bool) -> Bool
forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
ST.runST ((forall s. ST s Bool) -> Bool) -> (forall s. ST s Bool) -> Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (ByteString -> [[ByteString]])
-> Codec ChainSync_BlockHeader DeserialiseFailure (ST s) ByteString
-> AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader
-> ST s Bool
forall ps failure (m :: * -> *) bytes.
(Monad m, Eq (AnyMessage ps)) =>
(bytes -> [[bytes]])
-> Codec ps failure m bytes -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps -> m Bool
      ByteString -> [[ByteString]]
      Codec ChainSync_BlockHeader DeserialiseFailure (ST s) ByteString
forall (m :: * -> *) block.
(MonadST m, Serialise block, Serialise (HeaderHash block)) =>
  (ChainSync block (Point block) (Tip block))
      AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader

  :: AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader
  -> Bool
prop_codec_splits3_ChainSync :: AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader -> Bool
prop_codec_splits3_ChainSync AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader
msg =
    (forall s. ST s Bool) -> Bool
forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
ST.runST ((forall s. ST s Bool) -> Bool) -> (forall s. ST s Bool) -> Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (ByteString -> [[ByteString]])
-> Codec ChainSync_BlockHeader DeserialiseFailure (ST s) ByteString
-> AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader
-> ST s Bool
forall ps failure (m :: * -> *) bytes.
(Monad m, Eq (AnyMessage ps)) =>
(bytes -> [[bytes]])
-> Codec ps failure m bytes -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps -> m Bool
      ByteString -> [[ByteString]]
      Codec ChainSync_BlockHeader DeserialiseFailure (ST s) ByteString
forall (m :: * -> *) block.
(MonadST m, Serialise block, Serialise (HeaderHash block)) =>
  (ChainSync block (Point block) (Tip block))
      AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader

  :: AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader
  -> Bool
prop_codec_cbor :: AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader -> Bool
prop_codec_cbor AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader
msg =
    (forall s. ST s Bool) -> Bool
forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
ST.runST (Codec ChainSync_BlockHeader DeserialiseFailure (ST s) ByteString
-> AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader -> ST s Bool
forall ps (m :: * -> *).
(Monad m, Eq (AnyMessage ps)) =>
Codec ps DeserialiseFailure m ByteString
-> AnyMessageAndAgency ps -> m Bool
prop_codec_cborM Codec ChainSync_BlockHeader DeserialiseFailure (ST s) ByteString
forall (m :: * -> *) block.
(MonadST m, Serialise block, Serialise (HeaderHash block)) =>
  (ChainSync block (Point block) (Tip block))
codec AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader

  :: AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader
  -> Property
prop_codec_valid_cbor :: AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader -> Property
prop_codec_valid_cbor = Codec ChainSync_BlockHeader DeserialiseFailure IO ByteString
-> AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader -> Property
forall ps.
Codec ps DeserialiseFailure IO ByteString
-> AnyMessageAndAgency ps -> Property
prop_codec_valid_cbor_encoding Codec ChainSync_BlockHeader DeserialiseFailure IO ByteString
forall (m :: * -> *) block.
(MonadST m, Serialise block, Serialise (HeaderHash block)) =>
  (ChainSync block (Point block) (Tip block))

  :: ( MonadST m
     , S.Serialise (Chain.HeaderHash block)
  => Codec (ChainSync (Serialised block) (Point block) (Tip block))
           m ByteString
codecSerialised :: forall (m :: * -> *) block.
(MonadST m, Serialise (HeaderHash block)) =>
  (ChainSync (Serialised block) (Point block) (Tip block))
codecSerialised = (Serialised block -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s (Serialised block))
-> (Point block -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s (Point block))
-> (Tip block -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s (Tip block))
-> Codec
     (ChainSync (Serialised block) (Point block) (Tip block))
forall header point tip (m :: * -> *).
MonadST m =>
(header -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s header)
-> (point -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s point)
-> (tip -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s tip)
-> Codec
     (ChainSync header point tip) DeserialiseFailure m ByteString
    Serialised block -> Encoding
forall a. Serialise a => a -> Encoding
S.encode             Decoder s (Serialised block)
forall s. Decoder s (Serialised block)
forall a s. Serialise a => Decoder s a
    Point block -> Encoding
forall a. Serialise a => a -> Encoding
S.encode             Decoder s (Point block)
forall s. Decoder s (Point block)
forall a s. Serialise a => Decoder s a
    ((HeaderHash block -> Encoding) -> Tip block -> Encoding
forall {k} (blk :: k).
(HeaderHash blk -> Encoding) -> Tip blk -> Encoding
encodeTip HeaderHash block -> Encoding
forall a. Serialise a => a -> Encoding
S.encode) ((forall s. Decoder s (HeaderHash block))
-> forall s. Decoder s (Tip block)
forall {k} (blk :: k).
(forall s. Decoder s (HeaderHash blk))
-> forall s. Decoder s (Tip blk)
decodeTip Decoder s (HeaderHash block)
forall s. Decoder s (HeaderHash block)
forall a s. Serialise a => Decoder s a

  :: AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
  -> Bool
prop_codec_ChainSyncSerialised :: AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader -> Bool
prop_codec_ChainSyncSerialised AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
msg =
    (forall s. ST s Bool) -> Bool
forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
ST.runST ((forall s. ST s Bool) -> Bool) -> (forall s. ST s Bool) -> Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Codec
  (ST s)
-> AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
-> ST s Bool
forall ps failure (m :: * -> *) bytes.
(Monad m, Eq (AnyMessage ps)) =>
Codec ps failure m bytes -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps -> m Bool
prop_codecM Codec
  (ST s)
forall (m :: * -> *) block.
(MonadST m, Serialise (HeaderHash block)) =>
  (ChainSync (Serialised block) (Point block) (Tip block))
codecSerialised AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader

  :: AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
  -> Bool
prop_codec_splits2_ChainSyncSerialised :: AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader -> Bool
prop_codec_splits2_ChainSyncSerialised AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
msg =
    (forall s. ST s Bool) -> Bool
forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
ST.runST ((forall s. ST s Bool) -> Bool) -> (forall s. ST s Bool) -> Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (ByteString -> [[ByteString]])
-> Codec
     (ST s)
-> AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
-> ST s Bool
forall ps failure (m :: * -> *) bytes.
(Monad m, Eq (AnyMessage ps)) =>
(bytes -> [[bytes]])
-> Codec ps failure m bytes -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps -> m Bool
      ByteString -> [[ByteString]]
  (ST s)
forall (m :: * -> *) block.
(MonadST m, Serialise (HeaderHash block)) =>
  (ChainSync (Serialised block) (Point block) (Tip block))
      AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader

  :: AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
  -> Bool
prop_codec_splits3_ChainSyncSerialised :: AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader -> Bool
prop_codec_splits3_ChainSyncSerialised AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
msg =
    (forall s. ST s Bool) -> Bool
forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
ST.runST ((forall s. ST s Bool) -> Bool) -> (forall s. ST s Bool) -> Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (ByteString -> [[ByteString]])
-> Codec
     (ST s)
-> AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
-> ST s Bool
forall ps failure (m :: * -> *) bytes.
(Monad m, Eq (AnyMessage ps)) =>
(bytes -> [[bytes]])
-> Codec ps failure m bytes -> AnyMessageAndAgency ps -> m Bool
      ByteString -> [[ByteString]]
  (ST s)
forall (m :: * -> *) block.
(MonadST m, Serialise (HeaderHash block)) =>
  (ChainSync (Serialised block) (Point block) (Tip block))
      AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader

  :: AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
  -> Bool
prop_codec_cbor_ChainSyncSerialised :: AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader -> Bool
prop_codec_cbor_ChainSyncSerialised AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
msg =
    (forall s. ST s Bool) -> Bool
forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
ST.runST (Codec
  (ST s)
-> AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
-> ST s Bool
forall ps (m :: * -> *).
(Monad m, Eq (AnyMessage ps)) =>
Codec ps DeserialiseFailure m ByteString
-> AnyMessageAndAgency ps -> m Bool
prop_codec_cborM Codec
  (ST s)
forall (m :: * -> *) block.
(MonadST m, Serialise (HeaderHash block)) =>
  (ChainSync (Serialised block) (Point block) (Tip block))
codecSerialised AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader

  :: AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader
  -> Bool
prop_codec_binary_compat_ChainSync_ChainSyncSerialised :: AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader -> Bool
prop_codec_binary_compat_ChainSync_ChainSyncSerialised AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader
msg =
    (forall s. ST s Bool) -> Bool
forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
ST.runST (Codec ChainSync_BlockHeader DeserialiseFailure (ST s) ByteString
-> Codec
     (ST s)
-> (forall (pr :: PeerRole) (stA :: ChainSync_BlockHeader).
    PeerHasAgency pr stA
    -> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader)
-> AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader
-> ST s Bool
forall psA psB failure (m :: * -> *) bytes.
(Monad m, Eq (AnyMessage psA)) =>
Codec psA failure m bytes
-> Codec psB failure m bytes
-> (forall (pr :: PeerRole) (stA :: psA).
    PeerHasAgency pr stA -> SamePeerHasAgency pr psB)
-> AnyMessageAndAgency psA
-> m Bool
prop_codec_binary_compatM Codec ChainSync_BlockHeader DeserialiseFailure (ST s) ByteString
forall (m :: * -> *) block.
(MonadST m, Serialise block, Serialise (HeaderHash block)) =>
  (ChainSync block (Point block) (Tip block))
codecWrapped Codec
  (ST s)
forall (m :: * -> *) block.
(MonadST m, Serialise (HeaderHash block)) =>
  (ChainSync (Serialised block) (Point block) (Tip block))
codecSerialised PeerHasAgency pr stA
-> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
forall (pr :: PeerRole) (stA :: ChainSync_BlockHeader).
PeerHasAgency pr stA
-> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
stokEq AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_BlockHeader
      :: forall pr (stA :: ChainSync_BlockHeader).
         PeerHasAgency pr stA
      -> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
    stokEq :: forall (pr :: PeerRole) (stA :: ChainSync_BlockHeader).
PeerHasAgency pr stA
-> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
stokEq (ClientAgency ClientHasAgency stA
ca) = case ClientHasAgency stA
ca of
      ClientHasAgency stA
  (*) (*) (*) BlockHeader (Point BlockHeader) (Tip BlockHeader) stA
TokIdle -> PeerHasAgency pr 'StIdle
-> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> SamePeerHasAgency pr ps
SamePeerHasAgency (PeerHasAgency pr 'StIdle
 -> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader)
-> PeerHasAgency pr 'StIdle
-> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ClientHasAgency 'StIdle -> PeerHasAgency 'AsClient 'StIdle
forall {ps} (st :: ps).
ClientHasAgency st -> PeerHasAgency 'AsClient st
ClientAgency ClientHasAgency 'StIdle
forall {k} {k1} {k2} {header :: k} {point :: k1} {tip :: k2}.
ClientHasAgency 'StIdle
    stokEq (ServerAgency ServerHasAgency stA
sa) = case ServerHasAgency stA
sa of
      TokNext TokNextKind k3
k    -> PeerHasAgency pr ('StNext k3)
-> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> SamePeerHasAgency pr ps
SamePeerHasAgency (PeerHasAgency pr ('StNext k3)
 -> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader)
-> PeerHasAgency pr ('StNext k3)
-> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ServerHasAgency ('StNext k3)
-> PeerHasAgency 'AsServer ('StNext k3)
forall {ps} (st :: ps).
ServerHasAgency st -> PeerHasAgency 'AsServer st
ServerAgency (TokNextKind k3 -> ServerHasAgency ('StNext k3)
forall {k} {k1} {k2} {header :: k} {point :: k1} {tip :: k2}
       (k3 :: StNextKind).
TokNextKind k3 -> ServerHasAgency ('StNext k3)
TokNext TokNextKind k3
      ServerHasAgency stA
  (*) (*) (*) BlockHeader (Point BlockHeader) (Tip BlockHeader) stA
TokIntersect -> PeerHasAgency pr 'StIntersect
-> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> SamePeerHasAgency pr ps
SamePeerHasAgency (PeerHasAgency pr 'StIntersect
 -> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader)
-> PeerHasAgency pr 'StIntersect
-> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ServerHasAgency 'StIntersect
-> PeerHasAgency 'AsServer 'StIntersect
forall {ps} (st :: ps).
ServerHasAgency st -> PeerHasAgency 'AsServer st
ServerAgency ServerHasAgency 'StIntersect
forall {k} {k1} {k2} {header :: k} {point :: k1} {tip :: k2}.
ServerHasAgency 'StIntersect

  :: AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
  -> Bool
prop_codec_binary_compat_ChainSyncSerialised_ChainSync :: AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader -> Bool
prop_codec_binary_compat_ChainSyncSerialised_ChainSync AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
msg =
    (forall s. ST s Bool) -> Bool
forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
ST.runST (Codec
  (ST s)
-> Codec ChainSync_BlockHeader DeserialiseFailure (ST s) ByteString
-> (forall (pr :: PeerRole)
           (stA :: ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader).
    PeerHasAgency pr stA -> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_BlockHeader)
-> AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
-> ST s Bool
forall psA psB failure (m :: * -> *) bytes.
(Monad m, Eq (AnyMessage psA)) =>
Codec psA failure m bytes
-> Codec psB failure m bytes
-> (forall (pr :: PeerRole) (stA :: psA).
    PeerHasAgency pr stA -> SamePeerHasAgency pr psB)
-> AnyMessageAndAgency psA
-> m Bool
prop_codec_binary_compatM Codec
  (ST s)
forall (m :: * -> *) block.
(MonadST m, Serialise (HeaderHash block)) =>
  (ChainSync (Serialised block) (Point block) (Tip block))
codecSerialised Codec ChainSync_BlockHeader DeserialiseFailure (ST s) ByteString
forall (m :: * -> *) block.
(MonadST m, Serialise block, Serialise (HeaderHash block)) =>
  (ChainSync block (Point block) (Tip block))
codecWrapped PeerHasAgency pr stA -> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_BlockHeader
forall (pr :: PeerRole) (stA :: ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader).
PeerHasAgency pr stA -> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_BlockHeader
stokEq AnyMessageAndAgency ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader
      :: forall pr (stA :: ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader).
         PeerHasAgency pr stA
      -> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_BlockHeader
    stokEq :: forall (pr :: PeerRole) (stA :: ChainSync_Serialised_BlockHeader).
PeerHasAgency pr stA -> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_BlockHeader
stokEq (ClientAgency ClientHasAgency stA
ca) = case ClientHasAgency stA
ca of
      ClientHasAgency stA
  (Serialised BlockHeader)
  (Point BlockHeader)
  (Tip BlockHeader)
TokIdle -> PeerHasAgency pr 'StIdle
-> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_BlockHeader
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> SamePeerHasAgency pr ps
SamePeerHasAgency (PeerHasAgency pr 'StIdle
 -> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_BlockHeader)
-> PeerHasAgency pr 'StIdle
-> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_BlockHeader
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ClientHasAgency 'StIdle -> PeerHasAgency 'AsClient 'StIdle
forall {ps} (st :: ps).
ClientHasAgency st -> PeerHasAgency 'AsClient st
ClientAgency ClientHasAgency 'StIdle
forall {k} {k1} {k2} {header :: k} {point :: k1} {tip :: k2}.
ClientHasAgency 'StIdle
    stokEq (ServerAgency ServerHasAgency stA
sa) = case ServerHasAgency stA
sa of
      TokNext TokNextKind k3
k    -> PeerHasAgency pr ('StNext k3)
-> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_BlockHeader
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> SamePeerHasAgency pr ps
SamePeerHasAgency (PeerHasAgency pr ('StNext k3)
 -> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_BlockHeader)
-> PeerHasAgency pr ('StNext k3)
-> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_BlockHeader
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ServerHasAgency ('StNext k3)
-> PeerHasAgency 'AsServer ('StNext k3)
forall {ps} (st :: ps).
ServerHasAgency st -> PeerHasAgency 'AsServer st
ServerAgency (TokNextKind k3 -> ServerHasAgency ('StNext k3)
forall {k} {k1} {k2} {header :: k} {point :: k1} {tip :: k2}
       (k3 :: StNextKind).
TokNextKind k3 -> ServerHasAgency ('StNext k3)
TokNext TokNextKind k3
      ServerHasAgency stA
  (Serialised BlockHeader)
  (Point BlockHeader)
  (Tip BlockHeader)
TokIntersect -> PeerHasAgency pr 'StIntersect
-> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_BlockHeader
forall (pr :: PeerRole) ps (st :: ps).
PeerHasAgency pr st -> SamePeerHasAgency pr ps
SamePeerHasAgency (PeerHasAgency pr 'StIntersect
 -> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_BlockHeader)
-> PeerHasAgency pr 'StIntersect
-> SamePeerHasAgency pr ChainSync_BlockHeader
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ServerHasAgency 'StIntersect
-> PeerHasAgency 'AsServer 'StIntersect
forall {ps} (st :: ps).
ServerHasAgency st -> PeerHasAgency 'AsServer st
ServerAgency ServerHasAgency 'StIntersect
forall {k} {k1} {k2} {header :: k} {point :: k1} {tip :: k2}.
ServerHasAgency 'StIntersect

  :: forall m.
     ( MonadST m
     , MonadSTM m
     , MonadFork m
     , MonadThrow m
  => Channel m ByteString
  -> Channel m ByteString
  -> ChainProducerStateForkTest
  -> m Property
chainSyncDemo :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadST m, MonadSTM m, MonadFork m, MonadThrow m) =>
Channel m ByteString
-> Channel m ByteString -> ChainProducerStateForkTest -> m Property
chainSyncDemo Channel m ByteString
clientChan Channel m ByteString
serverChan (ChainProducerStateForkTest ChainProducerState Block
cps Chain Block
chain) = do
  let pchain :: Chain Block
pchain = ChainProducerState Block -> Chain Block
forall block. ChainProducerState block -> Chain block
ChainProducerState.producerChain ChainProducerState Block
  cpsVar   <- STM m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
-> m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
forall a. HasCallStack => STM m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadSTM m, HasCallStack) =>
STM m a -> m a
atomically (STM m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
 -> m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block)))
-> STM m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
-> m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ChainProducerState Block
-> STM m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadSTM m => a -> STM m (StrictTVar m a)
newTVar ChainProducerState Block
  chainVar <- atomically $ newTVar chain
  doneVar  <- atomically $ newTVar False

  let server :: ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
      server = a
-> StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block)
-> (Block -> Block)
-> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
forall blk header (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasHeader blk, MonadSTM m, HeaderHash header ~ HeaderHash blk) =>
-> StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState blk)
-> (blk -> header)
-> ChainSyncServer header (Point blk) (Tip blk) m a
        (TestName -> a
forall a. HasCallStack => TestName -> a
error TestName
"chainSyncServerExample: lazy in the result type")
        StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block)
        Block -> Block
forall a. a -> a

      client :: ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m ()
      client = StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
-> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m ()
-> ChainSyncClient Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m ()
forall header block tip (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasHeader header, HasHeader block,
 HeaderHash header ~ HeaderHash block, MonadSTM m) =>
StrictTVar m (Chain header)
-> Client header (Point block) tip m a
-> ChainSyncClient header (Point block) tip m a
ChainSyncExamples.chainSyncClientExample StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
chainVar (StrictTVar m Bool
-> Point Block -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) blockInfo.
MonadSTM m =>
StrictTVar m Bool
-> Point Block -> Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()
testClient StrictTVar m Bool
doneVar (Chain Block -> Point Block
forall block. HasHeader block => Chain block -> Point block
Chain.headPoint Chain Block

  void $ forkIO (void $ runPeer nullTracer codec serverChan (chainSyncServerPeer server))
  void $ forkIO (void $ runPeer nullTracer codec clientChan (chainSyncClientPeer client))

  atomically $ do
    done <- readTVar doneVar
    unless done retry

  cchain <- atomically $ readTVar chainVar
  return (pchain === cchain)

  :: ChainProducerStateForkTest
  -> Property
propChainSyncDemoST :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property
propChainSyncDemoST ChainProducerStateForkTest
cps =
  (forall s. IOSim s Property) -> Property
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> a
runSimOrThrow ((forall s. IOSim s Property) -> Property)
-> (forall s. IOSim s Property) -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    (clientChan, serverChan) <- IOSim
  s (Channel (IOSim s) ByteString, Channel (IOSim s) ByteString)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadSTM m => m (Channel m a, Channel m a)
    chainSyncDemo clientChan serverChan cps

  :: ChainProducerStateForkTest
  -> Property
propChainSyncDemoIO :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property
propChainSyncDemoIO ChainProducerStateForkTest
cps =
  IO Property -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => IO prop -> Property
ioProperty (IO Property -> Property) -> IO Property -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    (clientChan, serverChan) <- IO (Channel IO ByteString, Channel IO ByteString)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadSTM m => m (Channel m a, Channel m a)
    chainSyncDemo clientChan serverChan cps

  :: ChainProducerStateForkTest
  -> Property
propChainSyncPipe :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> Property
propChainSyncPipe ChainProducerStateForkTest
cps =
  IO Property -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => IO prop -> Property
ioProperty (IO Property -> Property) -> IO Property -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    (clientChan, serverChan) <- IO (Channel IO ByteString, Channel IO ByteString)
    chainSyncDemo clientChan serverChan cps

-- Pipelined demo

  :: forall m.
     ( MonadST    m
     , MonadSTM   m
     , MonadFork  m
     , MonadAsync m
     , MonadThrow m
     , MonadSay   m
  => Channel m ByteString
  -> Channel m ByteString
  -> (forall a. StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
      -> Client                   Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
      -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a)
  -> ChainProducerStateForkTest
  -> m Property
chainSyncDemoPipelined :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadST m, MonadSTM m, MonadFork m, MonadAsync m, MonadThrow m,
 MonadSay m) =>
Channel m ByteString
-> Channel m ByteString
-> (forall a.
    StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
    -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
    -> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a)
-> ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> m Property
chainSyncDemoPipelined Channel m ByteString
clientChan Channel m ByteString
serverChan forall a.
StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
-> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
mkClient (ChainProducerStateForkTest ChainProducerState Block
cps Chain Block
chain) = do
  let pchain :: Chain Block
pchain = ChainProducerState Block -> Chain Block
forall block. ChainProducerState block -> Chain block
ChainProducerState.producerChain ChainProducerState Block
  cpsVar   <- STM m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
-> m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
forall a. HasCallStack => STM m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadSTM m, HasCallStack) =>
STM m a -> m a
atomically (STM m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
 -> m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block)))
-> STM m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
-> m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ChainProducerState Block
-> STM m (StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block))
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadSTM m => a -> STM m (StrictTVar m a)
newTVar ChainProducerState Block
  chainVar <- atomically $ newTVar chain
  doneVar  <- atomically $ newTVar False

  let server :: ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
      server = a
-> StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block)
-> (Block -> Block)
-> ChainSyncServer Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
forall blk header (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasHeader blk, MonadSTM m, HeaderHash header ~ HeaderHash blk) =>
-> StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState blk)
-> (blk -> header)
-> ChainSyncServer header (Point blk) (Tip blk) m a
        (TestName -> a
forall a. HasCallStack => TestName -> a
error TestName
"chainSyncServerExample: lazy in the result type")
        StrictTVar m (ChainProducerState Block)
        Block -> Block
forall a. a -> a

      client :: ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m ()
      client = StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
-> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m ()
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m ()
forall a.
StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
-> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
-> ChainSyncClientPipelined Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m a
mkClient StrictTVar m (Chain Block)
chainVar (StrictTVar m Bool
-> Point Block -> Client Block (Point Block) (Tip Block) m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) blockInfo.
MonadSTM m =>
StrictTVar m Bool
-> Point Block -> Client Block (Point Block) blockInfo m ()
testClient StrictTVar m Bool
doneVar (Chain Block -> Point Block
forall block. HasHeader block => Chain block -> Point block
Chain.headPoint Chain Block

  void $ forkIO (void $ runPeer nullTracer codec serverChan (chainSyncServerPeer server))
  void $ forkIO (void $ runPipelinedPeer nullTracer codec clientChan (chainSyncClientPeerPipelined client))

  atomically $ do
    done <- readTVar doneVar
    unless done retry

  cchain <- atomically $ readTVar chainVar
  return (pchain === cchain)

  :: ChainProducerStateForkTest
  -> PipeliningDepth
  -> Property
propChainSyncDemoPipelinedMaxST :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Property
propChainSyncDemoPipelinedMaxST ChainProducerStateForkTest
cps (PipeliningDepth Int
omax) =
omax Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Int
0 Bool -> Property -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => Bool -> prop -> Property
  (forall s. IOSim s Property) -> Property
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> a
runSimOrThrow ((forall s. IOSim s Property) -> Property)
-> (forall s. IOSim s Property) -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    (clientChan, serverChan) <- Natural
-> IOSim
     s (Channel (IOSim s) ByteString, Channel (IOSim s) ByteString)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadSTM m =>
Natural -> m (Channel m a, Channel m a)
createPipelineTestChannels (Int -> Natural
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int
      clientChan serverChan
      (ChainSyncExamples.chainSyncClientPipelinedMax (fromIntegral omax))

  :: ChainProducerStateForkTest
  -> PipeliningDepth
  -> Property
propChainSyncDemoPipelinedMaxIO :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Property
propChainSyncDemoPipelinedMaxIO ChainProducerStateForkTest
cps (PipeliningDepth Int
omax) =
omax Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Int
0 Bool -> Property -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => Bool -> prop -> Property
  IO Property -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => IO prop -> Property
ioProperty (IO Property -> Property) -> IO Property -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    (clientChan, serverChan) <- Natural -> IO (Channel IO ByteString, Channel IO ByteString)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadSTM m =>
Natural -> m (Channel m a, Channel m a)
createPipelineTestChannels (Int -> Natural
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int
      clientChan serverChan
      (ChainSyncExamples.chainSyncClientPipelinedMax (fromIntegral omax))

  :: ChainProducerStateForkTest
  -> PipeliningDepth
  -> Property
propChainSyncDemoPipelinedMinST :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Property
propChainSyncDemoPipelinedMinST ChainProducerStateForkTest
cps (PipeliningDepth Int
omax) =
omax Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Int
0 Bool -> Property -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => Bool -> prop -> Property
  (forall s. IOSim s Property) -> Property
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> a
runSimOrThrow ((forall s. IOSim s Property) -> Property)
-> (forall s. IOSim s Property) -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    (clientChan, serverChan) <- Natural
-> IOSim
     s (Channel (IOSim s) ByteString, Channel (IOSim s) ByteString)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadSTM m =>
Natural -> m (Channel m a, Channel m a)
createPipelineTestChannels (Int -> Natural
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int
      clientChan serverChan
      (ChainSyncExamples.chainSyncClientPipelinedMin (fromIntegral omax))

  :: ChainProducerStateForkTest
  -> PipeliningDepth
  -> Property
propChainSyncDemoPipelinedMinIO :: ChainProducerStateForkTest -> PipeliningDepth -> Property
propChainSyncDemoPipelinedMinIO ChainProducerStateForkTest
cps (PipeliningDepth Int
omax) =
omax Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Int
0 Bool -> Property -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => Bool -> prop -> Property
  IO Property -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => IO prop -> Property
ioProperty (IO Property -> Property) -> IO Property -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    (clientChan, serverChan) <- Natural -> IO (Channel IO ByteString, Channel IO ByteString)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadSTM m =>
Natural -> m (Channel m a, Channel m a)
createPipelineTestChannels (Int -> Natural
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int
      clientChan serverChan
      (ChainSyncExamples.chainSyncClientPipelinedMin (fromIntegral omax))

  :: ChainProducerStateForkTest
  -> PipeliningDepth
  -> PipeliningDepth
  -> Property
propChainSyncDemoPipelinedLowHighST :: ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> PipeliningDepth -> PipeliningDepth -> Property
propChainSyncDemoPipelinedLowHighST ChainProducerStateForkTest
cps (PipeliningDepth Int
x) (PipeliningDepth Int
y) =
highMark Word16 -> Word16 -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Word16
0 Bool -> Property -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => Bool -> prop -> Property
    (forall s. IOSim s Property) -> Property
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> a
runSimOrThrow ((forall s. IOSim s Property) -> Property)
-> (forall s. IOSim s Property) -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
      (clientChan, serverChan) <- Natural
-> IOSim
     s (Channel (IOSim s) ByteString, Channel (IOSim s) ByteString)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadSTM m =>
Natural -> m (Channel m a, Channel m a)
createPipelineTestChannels (Word16 -> Natural
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Word16
        clientChan serverChan
        (ChainSyncExamples.chainSyncClientPipelinedLowHigh lowMark highMark)
    lowMark :: Word16
lowMark = Int -> Word16
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Int -> Word16) -> Int -> Word16
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
min Int
x Int
    highMark :: Word16
highMark = Int -> Word16
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Int -> Word16) -> Int -> Word16
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
max Int
x Int

  :: ChainProducerStateForkTest
  -> PipeliningDepth
  -> PipeliningDepth
  -> Property
propChainSyncDemoPipelinedLowHighIO :: ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> PipeliningDepth -> PipeliningDepth -> Property
propChainSyncDemoPipelinedLowHighIO ChainProducerStateForkTest
cps (PipeliningDepth Int
x) (PipeliningDepth Int
y) =
highMark Word16 -> Word16 -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Word16
0 Bool -> Property -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => Bool -> prop -> Property
    IO Property -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => IO prop -> Property
ioProperty (IO Property -> Property) -> IO Property -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
      (clientChan, serverChan) <- Natural -> IO (Channel IO ByteString, Channel IO ByteString)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadSTM m =>
Natural -> m (Channel m a, Channel m a)
createPipelineTestChannels (Word16 -> Natural
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Word16
        clientChan serverChan
        (ChainSyncExamples.chainSyncClientPipelinedLowHigh lowMark highMark)
    lowMark :: Word16
lowMark = Int -> Word16
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Int -> Word16) -> Int -> Word16
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
min Int
x Int
    highMark :: Word16
highMark = Int -> Word16
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Int -> Word16) -> Int -> Word16
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
max Int
x Int

  :: ChainProducerStateForkTest
  -> PipeliningDepth
  -> PipeliningDepth
  -> Property
propChainSyncDemoPipelinedMinBufferedIO :: ChainProducerStateForkTest
-> PipeliningDepth -> PipeliningDepth -> Property
propChainSyncDemoPipelinedMinBufferedIO ChainProducerStateForkTest
cps (PipeliningDepth Int
n) (PipeliningDepth Int
m) =
omin Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Int
0 Bool -> Property -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => Bool -> prop -> Property
    IO Property -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => IO prop -> Property
ioProperty (IO Property -> Property) -> IO Property -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
      (clientChan, serverChan) <- Natural -> IO (Channel IO ByteString, Channel IO ByteString)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadSTM m =>
Natural -> m (Channel m a, Channel m a)
createConnectedBufferedChannels (Int -> Natural
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int
        clientChan serverChan
        (ChainSyncExamples.chainSyncClientPipelinedMin (fromIntegral omax))
    omin :: Int
omin = Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
min Int
n Int
    omax :: Int
omax = Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
max Int
n Int