{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators       #-}

{-| Let's start with the big picture...

Key:  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓  ╔═════════════╗  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓   ╔════════════╗
      ┃ STM-based  ┃  ║active thread║  ┃state instance┃┓  ║ one thread ║╗
      ┃shared state┃  ║             ║  ┃   per peer   ┃┃  ║  per peer  ║║
      ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛  ╚═════════════╝  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛┃  ╚════════════╝║
                                        ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛   ╚════════════╝

  ╔═════════════╗     ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
  ║ Chain sync  ║╗    ┃   Ledger    ┃
  ║  protocol   ║║◀───┨   state     ┃◀───────────╮
  ║(client side)║║    ┃             ┃            │
  ╚══════╤══════╝║    ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛            │
   ╚═════╪═══════╝                               │
         ▼                                       │
  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓     ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓     ╔══════╧══════╗
  ┃  Candidate  ┃     ┃   Set of    ┃     ║  Chain and  ║
  ┃  chains     ┃     ┃  downloaded ┠────▶║   ledger    ║
  ┃  (headers)  ┃     ┃   blocks    ┃     ║  validation ║
  ┗━━━━━┯━━━━━━━┛     ┗━━━━━┯━━━━━━━┛     ╚══════╤══════╝
        │                   │ ▲                  │
        │ ╭─────────────────╯ │                  │
░░░░░░░░▼░▼░░░░░░░░           │                  ▼
░░╔═════════════╗░░           │           ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓     ╔═════════════╗
░░║    Block    ║░░           │           ┃   Current   ┃     ║ Block fetch ║╗
░░╢    fetch    ║◀────────────┼───────────┨    chain    ┠────▶║ protocol    ║║
░░║    logic    ║░░           │           ┃  (blocks)   ┃     ║(server side)║║
░░╚═════════════╝░░           │           ┠─────────────┨     ╚═════════════╝║
░░░░░░░░░▲░░░░░░░░░           │           ┃  Tentative  ┃      ╚═════════════╝
░░░░░░░░░▼░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│░░░░░░░░   ┃    chain    ┠──╮
░░┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓░░░░░╔═══════╧═════╗░░   ┃  (headers)  ┃  │  ╔═════════════╗
░░┃ Block fetch ┃┓░░░░║ block fetch ║╗░   ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛  │  ║ Chain sync  ║╗
░░┃  state and  ┃┃◀──▶║  protocol   ║║░                    ╰─▶║ protocol    ║║
░░┃  requests   ┃┃░░░░║(client side)║║░                       ║(server side)║║
░░┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛┃░░░░╚═════════════╝║░                       ╚═════════════╝║
░░░┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛░░░░░╚═════════════╝░                        ╚═════════════╝

 * Thread communication is via STM based state.
 * Outbound: threads update STM state.
 * Inbound: threads wait on STM state changing (using retry).
 * These are no queues: there is only the current state, not all change events.

We consider the block fetch logic and the policy for the block fetch protocol
client together as one unit of functionality. This is the shaded area in the

Looking at the diagram we see that these two threads interact with each other
and other threads via the following shared state

|  State                      |  Interactions  | Internal\/External |
|  Candidate chains (headers) |  Read          |  External          |
|  Current chain (blocks)     |  Read          |  External          |
|  Set of downloaded blocks   |  Read & Write  |  External          |
|  Block fetch requests       |  Read & Write  |  Internal          |

The block fetch requests state is private between the block fetch logic
and the block fetch protocol client, so it is implemented here.

The other state is managed by the consensus layer and is considered external
here. So here we define interfaces for interacting with the external state.
These have to be provided when instantiating the block fetch logic.

module Ouroboros.Network.BlockFetch
  ( blockFetchLogic
  , BlockFetchConfiguration (..)
  , BlockFetchConsensusInterface (..)
  , GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration (..)
    -- ** Tracer types
  , FetchDecision
  , TraceFetchClientState (..)
  , TraceLabelPeer (..)
    -- * The 'FetchClientRegistry'
  , FetchClientRegistry
  , newFetchClientRegistry
  , bracketFetchClient
  , bracketSyncWithFetchClient
  , bracketKeepAliveClient
    -- * Re-export types used by 'BlockFetchConsensusInterface'
  , PraosFetchMode (..)
  , FetchMode (..)
  , FromConsensus (..)
  , SizeInBytes
  ) where

import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.Void

import Control.Monad.Class.MonadSTM
import Control.Monad.Class.MonadTime.SI
import Control.Monad.Class.MonadTimer.SI
import Control.Tracer (Tracer)

import GHC.Generics (Generic)

import Ouroboros.Network.Block
import Ouroboros.Network.SizeInBytes (SizeInBytes)

import Ouroboros.Network.BlockFetch.ClientRegistry (FetchClientPolicy (..),
           FetchClientRegistry, bracketFetchClient, bracketKeepAliveClient,
           bracketSyncWithFetchClient, newFetchClientRegistry,
           readFetchClientsStateVars, readFetchClientsStatus, readPeerGSVs,
import Ouroboros.Network.BlockFetch.ConsensusInterface
           (BlockFetchConsensusInterface (..), FromConsensus (..))
import Ouroboros.Network.BlockFetch.Decision.Trace (TraceDecisionEvent)
import Ouroboros.Network.BlockFetch.State

-- | Configuration for FetchDecisionPolicy.
-- Should be determined by external local node config.
data BlockFetchConfiguration =
     BlockFetchConfiguration {
         -- | Maximum concurrent downloads during bulk syncing.
         BlockFetchConfiguration -> Word
bfcMaxConcurrencyBulkSync      :: !Word,

         -- | Maximum concurrent downloads during deadline syncing.
         BlockFetchConfiguration -> Word
bfcMaxConcurrencyDeadline      :: !Word,

         -- | Maximum requests in flight per each peer.
         BlockFetchConfiguration -> Word
bfcMaxRequestsInflight         :: !Word,

         -- | Desired interval between calls to fetchLogicIteration
         -- in Genesis fetch mode
         BlockFetchConfiguration -> DiffTime
bfcDecisionLoopIntervalGenesis :: !DiffTime,

         -- | Desired interval between calls to fetchLogicIteration
         -- in Praos fetch modes
         BlockFetchConfiguration -> DiffTime
bfcDecisionLoopIntervalPraos   :: !DiffTime,

         -- | Salt used when comparing peers
         BlockFetchConfiguration -> Int
bfcSalt                        :: !Int,

         -- | Genesis-specific parameters
         BlockFetchConfiguration -> GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration
bfcGenesisBFConfig             :: !GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration
     deriving (Int -> BlockFetchConfiguration -> ShowS
[BlockFetchConfiguration] -> ShowS
BlockFetchConfiguration -> String
(Int -> BlockFetchConfiguration -> ShowS)
-> (BlockFetchConfiguration -> String)
-> ([BlockFetchConfiguration] -> ShowS)
-> Show BlockFetchConfiguration
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> BlockFetchConfiguration -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> BlockFetchConfiguration -> ShowS
$cshow :: BlockFetchConfiguration -> String
show :: BlockFetchConfiguration -> String
$cshowList :: [BlockFetchConfiguration] -> ShowS
showList :: [BlockFetchConfiguration] -> ShowS

-- | BlockFetch configuration parameters specific to Genesis.
data GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration =
      { -- | Grace period when starting to talk to a peer in genesis mode
        -- during which it is fine if the chain selection gets starved.
        GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration -> DiffTime
gbfcGracePeriod :: !DiffTime
      deriving (GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration
-> GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration -> Bool
 -> GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration -> Bool)
-> (GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration
    -> GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration -> Bool)
-> Eq GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration
-> GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration -> Bool
== :: GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration
-> GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration -> Bool
$c/= :: GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration
-> GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration -> Bool
/= :: GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration
-> GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration -> Bool
Eq, (forall x.
 -> Rep GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration x)
-> (forall x.
    Rep GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration x
    -> GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration)
-> Generic GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration
forall x.
Rep GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration x
-> GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration
forall x.
-> Rep GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x.
-> Rep GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration x
from :: forall x.
-> Rep GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration x
$cto :: forall x.
Rep GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration x
-> GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration
to :: forall x.
Rep GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration x
-> GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration
Generic, Int -> GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration -> ShowS
[GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration] -> ShowS
GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration -> String
(Int -> GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration -> ShowS)
-> (GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration -> String)
-> ([GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration] -> ShowS)
-> Show GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration -> ShowS
$cshow :: GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration -> String
show :: GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration -> String
$cshowList :: [GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration] -> ShowS
showList :: [GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration] -> ShowS

-- | Execute the block fetch logic. It monitors the current chain and candidate
-- chains. It decided which block bodies to fetch and manages the process of
-- fetching them, including making alternative decisions based on timeouts and
-- failures.
-- This runs forever and should be shut down using mechanisms such as async.
blockFetchLogic :: forall addr header block m.
                   ( HasHeader header
                   , HasHeader block
                   , HeaderHash header ~ HeaderHash block
                   , MonadDelay m
                   , MonadTimer m
                   , Ord addr
                   , Hashable addr
                => Tracer m (TraceDecisionEvent addr header)
                -> Tracer m (TraceLabelPeer addr (TraceFetchClientState header))
                -> BlockFetchConsensusInterface addr header block m
                -> FetchClientRegistry addr header block m
                -> BlockFetchConfiguration
                -> m Void
blockFetchLogic :: forall addr header block (m :: * -> *).
(HasHeader header, HasHeader block,
 HeaderHash header ~ HeaderHash block, MonadDelay m, MonadTimer m,
 Ord addr, Hashable addr) =>
Tracer m (TraceDecisionEvent addr header)
-> Tracer m (TraceLabelPeer addr (TraceFetchClientState header))
-> BlockFetchConsensusInterface addr header block m
-> FetchClientRegistry addr header block m
-> BlockFetchConfiguration
-> m Void
blockFetchLogic Tracer m (TraceDecisionEvent addr header)
decisionTracer Tracer m (TraceLabelPeer addr (TraceFetchClientState header))
                BlockFetchConsensusInterface{STM m (Map addr (AnchoredFragment header))
STM m (AnchoredFragment header)
STM m MaxSlotNo
STM m ChainSelStarvation
STM m FetchMode
STM m (Point block -> Bool)
STM m (Point block -> block -> m ())
addr -> m ()
header -> SizeInBytes
header -> block -> Bool
HasCallStack =>
AnchoredFragment header -> AnchoredFragment header -> Bool
HasCallStack =>
AnchoredFragment header -> AnchoredFragment header -> Ordering
FromConsensus header -> STM m UTCTime
readCandidateChains :: STM m (Map addr (AnchoredFragment header))
readCurrentChain :: STM m (AnchoredFragment header)
readFetchMode :: STM m FetchMode
readFetchedBlocks :: STM m (Point block -> Bool)
mkAddFetchedBlock :: STM m (Point block -> block -> m ())
readFetchedMaxSlotNo :: STM m MaxSlotNo
plausibleCandidateChain :: HasCallStack =>
AnchoredFragment header -> AnchoredFragment header -> Bool
compareCandidateChains :: HasCallStack =>
AnchoredFragment header -> AnchoredFragment header -> Ordering
blockFetchSize :: header -> SizeInBytes
blockMatchesHeader :: header -> block -> Bool
headerForgeUTCTime :: FromConsensus header -> STM m UTCTime
readChainSelStarvation :: STM m ChainSelStarvation
demoteChainSyncJumpingDynamo :: addr -> m ()
blockFetchSize :: forall peer header block (m :: * -> *).
BlockFetchConsensusInterface peer header block m
-> header -> SizeInBytes
blockMatchesHeader :: forall peer header block (m :: * -> *).
BlockFetchConsensusInterface peer header block m
-> header -> block -> Bool
compareCandidateChains :: forall peer header block (m :: * -> *).
BlockFetchConsensusInterface peer header block m
-> HasCallStack =>
   AnchoredFragment header -> AnchoredFragment header -> Ordering
demoteChainSyncJumpingDynamo :: forall peer header block (m :: * -> *).
BlockFetchConsensusInterface peer header block m -> peer -> m ()
headerForgeUTCTime :: forall peer header block (m :: * -> *).
BlockFetchConsensusInterface peer header block m
-> FromConsensus header -> STM m UTCTime
mkAddFetchedBlock :: forall peer header block (m :: * -> *).
BlockFetchConsensusInterface peer header block m
-> STM m (Point block -> block -> m ())
plausibleCandidateChain :: forall peer header block (m :: * -> *).
BlockFetchConsensusInterface peer header block m
-> HasCallStack =>
   AnchoredFragment header -> AnchoredFragment header -> Bool
readCandidateChains :: forall peer header block (m :: * -> *).
BlockFetchConsensusInterface peer header block m
-> STM m (Map peer (AnchoredFragment header))
readChainSelStarvation :: forall peer header block (m :: * -> *).
BlockFetchConsensusInterface peer header block m
-> STM m ChainSelStarvation
readCurrentChain :: forall peer header block (m :: * -> *).
BlockFetchConsensusInterface peer header block m
-> STM m (AnchoredFragment header)
readFetchMode :: forall peer header block (m :: * -> *).
BlockFetchConsensusInterface peer header block m -> STM m FetchMode
readFetchedBlocks :: forall peer header block (m :: * -> *).
BlockFetchConsensusInterface peer header block m
-> STM m (Point block -> Bool)
readFetchedMaxSlotNo :: forall peer header block (m :: * -> *).
BlockFetchConsensusInterface peer header block m -> STM m MaxSlotNo
                FetchClientRegistry addr header block m
bfcMaxConcurrencyBulkSync :: BlockFetchConfiguration -> Word
bfcMaxConcurrencyDeadline :: BlockFetchConfiguration -> Word
bfcMaxRequestsInflight :: BlockFetchConfiguration -> Word
bfcDecisionLoopIntervalGenesis :: BlockFetchConfiguration -> DiffTime
bfcDecisionLoopIntervalPraos :: BlockFetchConfiguration -> DiffTime
bfcSalt :: BlockFetchConfiguration -> Int
bfcGenesisBFConfig :: BlockFetchConfiguration -> GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration
bfcMaxConcurrencyBulkSync :: Word
bfcMaxConcurrencyDeadline :: Word
bfcMaxRequestsInflight :: Word
bfcDecisionLoopIntervalGenesis :: DiffTime
bfcDecisionLoopIntervalPraos :: DiffTime
bfcSalt :: Int
bfcGenesisBFConfig :: GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration
..} = do

    FetchClientRegistry addr header block m
-> Tracer m (TraceLabelPeer addr (TraceFetchClientState header))
-> STM m (FetchClientPolicy header block m)
-> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) peer header block.
MonadSTM m =>
FetchClientRegistry peer header block m
-> Tracer m (TraceLabelPeer peer (TraceFetchClientState header))
-> STM m (FetchClientPolicy header block m)
-> m ()
setFetchClientContext FetchClientRegistry addr header block m
registry Tracer m (TraceLabelPeer addr (TraceFetchClientState header))
clientStateTracer STM m (FetchClientPolicy header block m)

    Tracer m (TraceDecisionEvent addr header)
-> Tracer m (TraceLabelPeer addr (TraceFetchClientState header))
-> FetchDecisionPolicy header
-> FetchTriggerVariables addr header m
-> FetchNonTriggerVariables addr header block m
-> (addr -> m ())
-> m Void
forall header block (m :: * -> *) peer.
(HasHeader header, HasHeader block,
 HeaderHash header ~ HeaderHash block, MonadDelay m, MonadTimer m,
 Ord peer, Hashable peer) =>
Tracer m (TraceDecisionEvent peer header)
-> Tracer m (TraceLabelPeer peer (TraceFetchClientState header))
-> FetchDecisionPolicy header
-> FetchTriggerVariables peer header m
-> FetchNonTriggerVariables peer header block m
-> (peer -> m ())
-> m Void
      Tracer m (TraceDecisionEvent addr header)
decisionTracer Tracer m (TraceLabelPeer addr (TraceFetchClientState header))
      FetchDecisionPolicy header
      FetchTriggerVariables addr header m
      FetchNonTriggerVariables addr header block m
      addr -> m ()
    mkFetchClientPolicy :: STM m (FetchClientPolicy header block m)
    mkFetchClientPolicy :: STM m (FetchClientPolicy header block m)
mkFetchClientPolicy = do
      addFetchedBlock <- STM m (Point block -> block -> m ())
      pure FetchClientPolicy {

    fetchDecisionPolicy :: FetchDecisionPolicy header
    fetchDecisionPolicy :: FetchDecisionPolicy header
fetchDecisionPolicy =
      FetchDecisionPolicy {
        maxInFlightReqsPerPeer :: Word
maxInFlightReqsPerPeer      = Word
        maxConcurrencyBulkSync :: Word
maxConcurrencyBulkSync      = Word
        maxConcurrencyDeadline :: Word
maxConcurrencyDeadline      = Word
        decisionLoopIntervalGenesis :: DiffTime
decisionLoopIntervalGenesis = DiffTime
        decisionLoopIntervalPraos :: DiffTime
decisionLoopIntervalPraos   = DiffTime
        peerSalt :: Int
peerSalt                    = Int
        bulkSyncGracePeriod :: DiffTime
bulkSyncGracePeriod         = GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration -> DiffTime
gbfcGracePeriod GenesisBlockFetchConfiguration

        HasCallStack =>
AnchoredFragment header -> AnchoredFragment header -> Bool
AnchoredFragment header -> AnchoredFragment header -> Bool
plausibleCandidateChain :: HasCallStack =>
AnchoredFragment header -> AnchoredFragment header -> Bool
plausibleCandidateChain :: HasCallStack =>
AnchoredFragment header -> AnchoredFragment header -> Bool
        HasCallStack =>
AnchoredFragment header -> AnchoredFragment header -> Ordering
AnchoredFragment header -> AnchoredFragment header -> Ordering
compareCandidateChains :: HasCallStack =>
AnchoredFragment header -> AnchoredFragment header -> Ordering
compareCandidateChains :: HasCallStack =>
AnchoredFragment header -> AnchoredFragment header -> Ordering
        header -> SizeInBytes
blockFetchSize :: header -> SizeInBytes
blockFetchSize :: header -> SizeInBytes

    fetchTriggerVariables :: FetchTriggerVariables addr header m
    fetchTriggerVariables :: FetchTriggerVariables addr header m
fetchTriggerVariables =
      FetchTriggerVariables {
        readStateCurrentChain :: STM m (AnchoredFragment header)
readStateCurrentChain    = STM m (AnchoredFragment header)
        readStateCandidateChains :: STM m (Map addr (AnchoredFragment header))
readStateCandidateChains = STM m (Map addr (AnchoredFragment header))
        readStatePeerStatus :: STM m (Map addr (PeerFetchStatus header))
readStatePeerStatus      = FetchClientRegistry addr header block m
-> STM m (Map addr (PeerFetchStatus header))
forall (m :: * -> *) peer header block.
MonadSTM m =>
FetchClientRegistry peer header block m
-> STM m (Map peer (PeerFetchStatus header))
readFetchClientsStatus FetchClientRegistry addr header block m

    fetchNonTriggerVariables :: FetchNonTriggerVariables addr header block m
    fetchNonTriggerVariables :: FetchNonTriggerVariables addr header block m
fetchNonTriggerVariables =
      FetchNonTriggerVariables {
        readStateFetchedBlocks :: STM m (Point block -> Bool)
readStateFetchedBlocks      = STM m (Point block -> Bool)
        readStatePeerStateVars :: STM m (Map addr (FetchClientStateVars m header))
readStatePeerStateVars      = FetchClientRegistry addr header block m
-> STM m (Map addr (FetchClientStateVars m header))
forall (m :: * -> *) peer header block.
MonadSTM m =>
FetchClientRegistry peer header block m
-> STM m (Map peer (FetchClientStateVars m header))
readFetchClientsStateVars FetchClientRegistry addr header block m
        readStatePeerGSVs :: STM m (Map addr PeerGSV)
readStatePeerGSVs           = FetchClientRegistry addr header block m -> STM m (Map addr PeerGSV)
forall block header (m :: * -> *) peer.
(MonadSTM m, Ord peer) =>
FetchClientRegistry peer header block m -> STM m (Map peer PeerGSV)
readPeerGSVs FetchClientRegistry addr header block m
        readStateFetchMode :: STM m FetchMode
readStateFetchMode          = STM m FetchMode
        readStateFetchedMaxSlotNo :: STM m MaxSlotNo
readStateFetchedMaxSlotNo   = STM m MaxSlotNo
        readStateChainSelStarvation :: STM m ChainSelStarvation
readStateChainSelStarvation = STM m ChainSelStarvation